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JDefined t1_iul4ot0 wrote

Worth noting that this list was published from The Shane Co.

That's right. Your friend in the diamond business.


Chicken-Nala-Kitty t1_iul765r wrote

On the corner of state st and 7200south? Weekdays till 8, Saturday till 5, closed Sunday. Online at I fucking hate myself lol


MeaningSilly t1_ium6ydy wrote

I started saying that in my head just before reading your comment.

I haven't listened to commercial radio in almost a decade now. Is that still playing?


Chicken-Nala-Kitty t1_iuogcs0 wrote

Honestly I don’t know. I don’t really listen to the radio but when I was younger and my parents had the radio on in the car it seemed like it played every commercial break