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JimC29 t1_iuaqrvt wrote

Stolen bag of Milky Ways and a trail of wrappers leading through the woods straight to a trailer park. Really brilliant criminals here.

Edit. That's what you deserve for littering

Edit2. I hate thieves and littering equally.


Meanderingversion t1_iuavr0w wrote

You should put that to music.

Call it, Milky Ways in the Woods.


venterol t1_iuddq53 wrote

I can hear Kid Cudi making this into an absolute banger


ak_sys t1_iubszdq wrote

"Fuck, Ricky! You're leaving a goddamned trail of wrappers!"


rainedrop87 t1_iuc2sfl wrote

It would absolutely be a Ricky thing to leave a trail of pepperoni and chicken chips wrappers as the boys are on the run.


fukitol- t1_iubrpki wrote

No amount of investigative skill or luck will ever trump criminals being stupid.


Klai8 t1_iuc2msv wrote

I’m gonna take a wild guess that this article is just a scapegoat for “anonymous tips” from one of our lovely fed agencies.


weakhamstrings t1_iud1gsz wrote

This is almost certainly the answer. A family member or close friend or neighbor turned them in and they are protecting the tipper and their anonymity with this.


Sahqon t1_iucrrum wrote

About two decades ago, mum worked in a small shop and they got robbed (in the night, nobody there), thieves stole some washing powder. Which was leaking and the powder line led the cops straight into the nearest apartment building, then to the exact door...


pichael288 t1_iud1wmc wrote

Is "washing powder" what British people call laundry detergent?


Sahqon t1_iud29gs wrote

Yeah, the old version in powder form. Which doesn't get used much nowadays, what with the capsules.

Edit: but I did a direct translation, I had to specify it was the white powder/granules thing cause otherwise it would not make much sense.


TheDieselTastesFire t1_iud2y3a wrote

>robbed (in the night, nobody there)

Remember that robbery is a crime of force committed against a person. I really don't mean to be a pedant, but depending on the state maybe they got burglarized or someone broke and entered and committed theft. Also maybe someone pooped in their toilet tank. Anything is possible.


xfxmorpheus t1_iuc68vr wrote

That's what they get for eating Milky Ways tbh


venterol t1_iudfmbk wrote

Slow down, whatchu got against Milky Ways? Best candy bar IMO next to Payday.


pacificule t1_iue5yn5 wrote

If your Mt Olympus of candy bars starts w Payday I'm sorry but you're not qualified to be ranking candy bars


venterol t1_iuhf9yi wrote

Sorry if peanuts give you gas but not all of us are debilitated by IBS.


Thepowerisreal t1_iud4yn8 wrote

I mean, if they were smart they wouldn't be criminals in the first place. Or they would be white collar criminals instead.


[deleted] t1_iucapsm wrote



Chode36 t1_iucpzqh wrote

No it's due to craving sugar. One of opiates side effects. Ain't no food gonna ruin a junkies high