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No_Carpet7125 t1_itqda6c wrote

You never know when you might need a gun in a corn maze. If you get lost you can blast your way out.


brademerika t1_itqbwyf wrote

It should be automatic that if you accidentally discharge a firearm you lose your right to have or use firearms.


gearhead488 t1_itqcbpt wrote

Hard to argue that. You’ve proven without a doubt that you aren’t responsible enough.


Stonehard_gigachad t1_itqct1j wrote

Actually it nearly is always an automatic lose of ccw rights. So that means no concealed carry. He would have a record with the county so buying more guns would be up to them to approve.


Fetlocks_Glistening t1_itqidg1 wrote

And if it's a revolver rather than an automatic, then a transferrable penalty that sort of goes around from offender to offender


DangerGrey t1_itw31rr wrote

wow, that was a reach, but once I got up here, I was glad I made the trip. golf claps


custard_doughnuts t1_ittxgaz wrote

Seems fair.

Also if you are deemed to have 'armed' yourself with it at anytime in a public place when there wasn't immediate risk to yourself or others*

*Actually that should be prison time


myeff t1_itqbxpb wrote

If only the corn had been armed...


Tolookah t1_itqce1d wrote

It's all ears


timojenbin t1_itqn5s0 wrote

I didn't expect puns, I saguaro.


Proper_Budget_2790 t1_itt48oz wrote




bigbangbilly t1_itx0sgt wrote

Nobody expected Frank Castle to be a ghost riding herald of Galactus in a possible future but here we are


xmattyx t1_itqj10e wrote

How fragile must you be to bring a gun to a corn maze?


jimizeppelinfloyd t1_itr9i3s wrote

You gotta protect the family from those ghostly baseball players I guess.


[deleted] t1_itrjx7c wrote



toejamandtoast t1_itrolwt wrote

He doesn’t have time for movies, Fox News has a banner that says BREAKING NEWS. Don’t change that channel, a new transgender M&M is threatening America.


SodaCanHead t1_itqpu4o wrote

A long time ago I realised that your purpose in life might actually just be to serve as a warning to others


toejamandtoast t1_itrofk5 wrote

Th only thing that can stop a bad piece of corn with a gun is a good piece of corn with a gun. It’s too bad there wasn’t a good one around.

You can laugh at this, but it has a kernel of truth.


bazillion_blue_jitsu t1_itqd2iw wrote

Article says it was on his hip, but is kinda short on details. For the most part, prudence dictates that you use a holster for that sort of thing. And pretty much any commercially available holster is shrouding the trigger and simply isn't going to fire the gun because you bent over. There's something else going on here. I'm guessing it's probably negligence.


reclusive_ent t1_itqfn6b wrote

Lots of retention holsters are actually known to be the cause of ND's. Serpas are one example. Leather holsters can also wear and pinch, which can catch the trigger when holstering or even while moving. The Wal-Mart nylon holsters are just as prone to do it as an old leather one. Pair that with a safety free Glock with a 4.5 lb trigger, yeah it's pretty easy.


bazillion_blue_jitsu t1_itrrwur wrote

Makes sense. I remember that now about leather. I always liked the look of a nice leather holster.

I suppose it could be a manufacturers defect. But maybe also neglect on his part leading to the holster failing.

Either way it'll be interesting to find out.


custard_doughnuts t1_ittxnux wrote

Shouldn't be allowed to have it. The fact that you can walk around with a weapon on a hair trigger is fucking insane. But I suppose the selfish don't give two fucks what innocents they may kill because fReDuM Murika yeah!


Khemith t1_itsbqrq wrote

I guessing his masculinity is so fragile he has gun with at all times because he always loses in a fist fight.


jayfeather31 t1_itq9b90 wrote

I don't have any words for that.


TurgidWhale t1_itts96r wrote

This could have been avoided if they had placed armed corn guards at every entrace and given all the corn maze attendees guns


roranoazolo t1_itr7jua wrote

Minnesota has been in the news lately for some weird things


shittykittysmom t1_itrqu9y wrote

Those corn pits are for little kids, to me it's weird he was even it it. (It was reported that it was full of kids when he was in it and one family saw the gun and got the hell out of there) They're also disgusting! We were there later that afternoon and knew nothing about it.


Khemith t1_itsbmd6 wrote

These reactionary idiots carrying a gun just in case someone brown startles them.


Thebeerguy17403 t1_itt2ksm wrote

I'm not going to lie. I keep reading the headline over and over and over. Does anyone else have a vivid picture in their brain of the exact person who did this without looking at the article? Please tell me I'm not alone?


hdpro4u t1_itufuf3 wrote

Better headline would have started with man pops himself while removing kernel at corn maze, it has the juice.


naturat1 t1_itul7wa wrote

Here I was picturing a guy who'd stuck an ear of corn in his boot and then was using the gun to try and pry the ear back out of the boot so he could get back home. I think I like my version better, but he's an idiot either way!


andio76 t1_ituxuem wrote

So you can say this about a POP in the CORN......

....i'll sit down now


earedneck t1_iu0dnyh wrote

There are NO "accidentally " discharged firearms, you may have not MEANT to do it, but you caused the firing pin to strike the round which fires the bullet. These things don't just happen without careless actions. Remember that a gun is ALWAYS loaded, unless I have double checked and the chamber is open with no rounds IN the weapon... I am glad he did this to himself rather than another person. A VERY STRONG learning lesson for him.


custard_doughnuts t1_ittxbzq wrote

Play stupid game (taking a loaded gun with safety off / not working and not locked away to a corn maze)

Win stupid appropriate prize (shooting yourself)