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soldforaspaceship t1_is2jt9q wrote

China no longer has a one child policy. It's now two (or three in some cases). They are starting to look at abortion rights too now that they need more children. Worrying for the women there as abortion has always been very available and sex Ed isn't comprehensive.


i_love_dragon_dick t1_is3300f wrote

Yeah, the policy finally caught up to them. Since parents were getting rid of their first-born girls there's a mass swath of men without partners (so that fuels a huge sex slave trade) :(


will221996 t1_is3ucis wrote

Okay, hold up, let's stop spreading disinformation here.

>policy finally caught up to them

The generation where the gap was the largest, after the introduction of the one child policy(50ish years ago) and before massive rapid orderly urbanisation which decreased the relative economic advantage of having boys(30ish years ago), has already "passed". You do not see sex number gaps in Chinese cities anymore than you see them in western european cities. Where the gap is present is in impoverished rural areas, but even then the bulk of that has "passed"; especially in those areas, the expectation is marriage at 25ish for men, men who are now 40ish.

>so that fuels a huge sex slave trade

China does not have a huge sex slavery problem. According to the walk free foundation, focused on modern slavery, less than 0.1 percent of the Chinese population is enslaved. That number is comparable to or better than Eastern European EU members, who generally are the best of the middle income developing countries in most things human rights. Compared to other developing middle income countries, China is actually very good at combating modern day slavery.

What China does have is a prostitution "problem". Prostitution is illegal in China, but tolerated. That system means that sex workers don't have the legal protections they should have. That is a million miles away from the situation you suggest is present.


SkivvySkidmarks t1_is43zbq wrote

Friends were in Beijing just prior to the pandemic. They were surprised by the number of flyers slipped under their hotel room door for various "services".


will221996 t1_is459jt wrote

Everyone has seen those flyers. Prostitution is very prevalent, but it's not "huge sex slavery".

There are "China experts" everywhere you look. The qualification required to be one on Reddit or in a social circle is very low.


soldforaspaceship t1_is3a2ot wrote

Yeah. I lived there for over a decade. Was interesting seeing the shift.