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reclusive_ent t1_je8uxu4 wrote

Her whole schtick is "gotcha moments"using info she gleans from her dum dum Qanon followers. She is an uneducted twat who isnt smart enough to actually research for the hearings she attends. This is why she has so many awkward gaffes for us to enjoy.


MaleficentPi t1_je8tm6g wrote

Bold move when her husband "allegedly" whipped it out in front of two teenage girls


Hector_P_Catt t1_je9g36s wrote

But at least he didn't pee on them!


Yet, anyways.


MaleficentPi t1_jeb920c wrote

Funny thing about that...

He says that he was only going to the bathroom...

... In the hallway of a bowling alley...

Yeah, we can probably just go ahead and note that the likelihood the wife of a sex predator busted for public urination and exposure is very very obsessed about public urination and exposure.


Secure_Estate5098 t1_jeccg0r wrote


One of the girls was Boebert herself.


MaleficentPi t1_jecejmd wrote

... I mean I'm not going to say it explains a lot, her dating a sex predator, but it kinda explains a lot


4levelclover t1_je8uog2 wrote

It's not just members of Congress. There is so much junk out there, no wonder people are so misinformed. She's basically saying "you decriminalized it, right?" and he says "Nope, it's still criminal" over and over.

Same thing when someone tried to bring up Chinese propaganda outlet as a news article, and the Pentagon guy was like "I don't trust Chinese communist propaganda" and he was like "oh yeah, me neither, uh, good."


More_Cowbell8 t1_je8wfoz wrote

Failing so hard at trying to be Katie Porter. Do you think she thinks she nailed it?


maxitobonito OP t1_je8xciu wrote

Put her in the spotlight, got her some attention, so yeah, I think she believes she nailed it.


bd01000101 t1_je90x2w wrote

and more importantly, her constituents think she nailed it.


craybest t1_je9odqc wrote

How about stop giving her a platform for her idiocy? When will media finally learn that just making these people more famous will ultimately affect them negatively? Is the temporary clicks now worth the future?


bstowers t1_je97f32 wrote

This person is an embarrassment, and the fact that Speaker McCarthy continues to allow this nonsense tells you a lot about him.


knockfart t1_je9qrf7 wrote

Probably hoping the Democrats take her back


Richizzle439 t1_je9t3uh wrote

Never gunna happen, only republicans are stupid enough to think she knows what she is talking about.


knockfart t1_je9u4h7 wrote

I know, I just think Mcarthy wants the Democrats to take her back


OcelotBrave8818 t1_jeaw38e wrote

She and Margarine Taylor Greene and many more like them are trolls. They are only looking to get a reaction from democrats. Making democrats foam at the mouth is what the moronic qanon and maga groups react to. There is no legislation or political wins that any of the conspiracy theorist idiots understand. All they understand is angering the opposition. That is what they crave. We pay attention to these idiots and that’s why we have them. Vote against them every chance you get but give them no attention whatsoever in the meantime.


KaisarDragon t1_jecgnz5 wrote

And when the moderator asked, rhetorically, to the rest of the group if THEY wanted to say anything about public urination, she said "I do!"

She both wanted to talk about it more AND answered a rhetorical question.


newsman0719 t1_jeblw46 wrote

What’s next? The “Congressional Medal of the Golden Shower”?


Jaegerbombqueen t1_jebniam wrote

Aren't there bigger things to fucking worry about???? This chick needs a life!! She is entertaining though.