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lifeaintsocool t1_jdwtvt0 wrote

With China being a country in Utah, it's not so unlikely


openly_gray t1_jdwy7we wrote

Well Utah as an aspiring authoritarian theocracy can relate


SelectiveSanity t1_jdx81o3 wrote

...until China tells them they're not interested in converting to Mormonism.


danceswithtree t1_jdxhl6e wrote

But what if the Mormons start baptizing dead Chinese like they do with dead Jews? That could even out the numbers real quick!

And in case you were wondering if baptizing dead Jews is a thing, sadly it is.


naptastic t1_jdxk3n2 wrote

Jon Huntsman Jr. was governor of Utah before being appointed ambassador to China in 2009. I dunno if that's relevant.


Dyanaya t1_jdxqqf1 wrote

Not only in the US, all over the free world. China slowly buys off our politicians, our land, our companies, and our freedom!


Iamthekingoftheecho t1_jdy0iem wrote

I was researching the house I grew up in in Utah and the previous owners had six children. One of the sons obituaries stated that he had sixteen children, 186 grandchildren, 137 great grandchildren and 4 great great grandchildren… it is mind boggling how many humans can result from two people wanting to get down.


jsp4004 t1_jdy3yfr wrote

Can Americans, since its called a democracy, just vote out all the propaganda outlets and trump and joe biden and Democrats and Republicans. Just like fuckin all of them.


WeirdAFNewsPodcast t1_je2vqre wrote

Unlikely? LOL. If there's any state that would be China friendly it's Utah.