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Fake_KOAM t1_jdf190x wrote

He just wanted to fill his punchcard. 10 arrest and the 11th is free.


dramignophyte t1_jdgbegh wrote

Like after the 5th time, I think even most sane people would be like "shit... I should try and go for the record..." No sane person would find themselves there but like if you magiked someone into that situation.


HowIsYourBreathing t1_jdfrncf wrote

>Tony Botti with the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office says six arrests were for auto theft (often coupled with other charges of drug possession) – but most of his releases were Federal Court Order Releases, meaning his bed was needed for a more serious offender being booked into jail based on the classification guidelines of types of crimes.

Basically he was a non-violent criminal and they had to free up space for violent criminals.

>Chastain is facing 18 felonies and 15 misdemeanors with charges including stealing six vehicles, DUI, vandalism, fraud, possession of a controlled substance, and more, according to officials.


Phillyredsox t1_jdfpyva wrote

Gimme the remaining dough, and all the calendars, and that pen. Try to tear it so most of the beads are on my end.


davtruss t1_jdgp9xy wrote

At least we can confirm he is not a "master of disguises...."


unmlobo309 t1_jdh87kp wrote

He’s in love with a female police officer.


Tyankst t1_jdhn5ko wrote

What ever happened to the 3 strikes rule?


GetOffMyGrassBrats OP t1_jdi4z2k wrote

That's convictions. He apparently hasn't even been to court yet.


Tuftymark6 t1_jdite8d wrote

Also doesn’t that only apply to felonies?


ash_274 t1_jdix0pv wrote

Yes, and only if the prosecutor chooses to flag a new felony as a strike


MR___SLAVE t1_jdinch1 wrote

That's what we call dedication.


JubalHarshaw23 t1_jdj30if wrote

Clearly not a flight risk, so judge puts him back on the streets.


EspHack t1_jdjalzc wrote

back when I was a kid if I heard such news coming from the US I wouldn't even bother looking it up, unthinkable nonsense


VibratingPickle2 t1_jdk0t2p wrote

Ah man I knew someone like this in the 80s. When he was released from jail he stole a car from the front parking lot and used it to go to a car lot for a different car.


TryJenkems t1_jdr5o74 wrote

This guy should be living in Florida


Hi_Im_Meat t1_jdj04hi wrote

I’m pretty liberal, but this is just ridiculous. After a certain point, the judge who bails this POS out needs to be held accountable. He obviously should not be RoR since he keeps committing felonies, and if he’s been bailed out, he should have that revoked for the same reason. Someone please make the reasoning of the judge make sense.


Nivekian13 t1_jdft0tu wrote

Funny this is shared by Fox News, given i will bet money this guy LOVES Trump.


GyakuBoop t1_jdf21bz wrote

Only in Murica you let the criminal back into the streets before they are punished for the proven crime


pobody t1_jdf2xf3 wrote

Every civilized county has bail. Get your head out of your ass.


GyakuBoop t1_jdf3bz8 wrote

You should pull out yours, cuz who tf lets out a criminal on bail because they bribe the government with cash?

Therapy is close by


Pudding_Hero t1_jdffuiq wrote

You’re just coming into this 3 comment thread swinging 🤣


TopVis t1_jdf4rzb wrote

First kids in Reddit say America is too quick to throw people in jail. Now you're here crying we let them out too easily.

This is why Americans don't take foreigners seriously, ever.


GyakuBoop t1_jdf4ywk wrote

Don't worry, no one takes an american seriously cuz yall are "responsible" adults clearly lmao


SponConSerdTent t1_jdf6bh9 wrote

Ah, the classic "The only things I know about America are things I read in curated internet feeds" delusion.

Hundreds of millions of people, living close to a trillion hours of life every year.

Don't let curated feeds turn you into a complete idiot.

One story of one dumbass, or even 10,000 stories about 10,000 dumbasses is a completely worthless way to analyze anything. You'll only move further from the truth as you slurp down more of the curated craziness.

You're living proof that your country has dumb people in it too.


Pudding_Hero t1_jdffyq6 wrote

I just wish I knew what country he/she is from so I can read it in their accent


GyakuBoop t1_jdf7fiw wrote

The fact being called "responsible adults" made you write a defensive paragraph, just proves the point. McDonalds is on the other side bye bye


theluckyone17 t1_jdhv9e0 wrote

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


GyakuBoop t1_jdhvpqm wrote

Excluding black people apparently eyerolls


theluckyone17 t1_jdhvxfb wrote

I'm sorry, my reading comprehension must be lacking. I see no mention of skin color in there.

Just because society has corrupted the foundation our country is built on, don't be slinging shit at me for it.


GyakuBoop t1_jdhyboc wrote

Your country was built on the lives of dead natives and slaves, get your head out of your ass about your country "corrupted foundation". Ignorant fool


theluckyone17 t1_jdi33tv wrote

Most countries have. I notice you failed to provide your country. Be careful throwing stones if you live in a glass house as well.

I don't control the history of my nation. What I can control is my behavior, and do my part to improve society. What are you doing to improve yours? Slinging childish insults and trolling Reddit doesn't count.