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[deleted] t1_jczjxk5 wrote

When I moved across the country I used Grindr to find a weed plug. Never been offered head after buying weed before. You just don't get that kind of service from straight weed plugs.


Tamaska-gl t1_jd0hprr wrote

So… how was the head?


scornedknight t1_jd00hh1 wrote

Probably the first person using Grindr to find pussy 🤣


the_bucket_murderer t1_jd1uuj4 wrote

Trans men that are comfortable with referring to their nether regions as that would like to have a word.


Fabulous-Passion3715 t1_jd32uis wrote

Indeed, but many are used to beating around the bush, so they're perfect for finding kitty.


zeamp t1_jczfl82 wrote




Jamjazz1 t1_jczlguy wrote

Grindr Findr Tops and bottoms Lost my kitty cat Which one of you Dirty skanks got him?


BigOmet t1_jczhck1 wrote

Suuuure. That's why he's on Grindr. It's also why he bought more lube and condoms. You know, to find a cat. They're going to work as hard and as long as it takes to make sure this comes to a good outcome.


jesterinancientcourt t1_jd1rof6 wrote

He was sad about his cat so he wanted to get laid. Coincidentally he found his cat on Grindr.


Whifflepoof t1_jd2lngb wrote

"Surely one of these guys sucking my cock has to have seen my cat"


Ninjacat97 t1_jd0b565 wrote

Okay, but did they find him?


olzki75 t1_jd80rwq wrote

Spoke to the owners this morning; they're regulars at my coffee shop. No joy finding their cat as yet.


olzki75 t1_jddqhuw wrote

Update - just heard; they found the cat. Result!


64sweetsour t1_jczx7s1 wrote

First guy in the world to find pussy on Grindr


anotherforeigner t1_jd2bs16 wrote

It's actually the original purpose of Grindr: connecting with strangers who live in the surroundings. It was meant to allow isolated gays to meet other gays in suburban areas to build a community. Then we used it for something else and made it what it is. But this pet owner is the one doing it right.


mudohama t1_jd2d94e wrote

I’ve always used it to meet new friends and it’s great for that, though I think cruising was part of its purpose from day 1, lol


begaterpillar t1_jd0v7es wrote

modern problems require modern solutions


ironroad18 t1_jd10ss0 wrote

If you can use Grindr to find a cock, why wouldn't this work?


unsupported t1_jd2g7vb wrote

"I swear honey, I was just looking for Whiskers! I'm not gay!"


BOSS-3000 t1_jd24ymm wrote

Good thing they're not looking for a doggie


Putrid_Whole_543 t1_jdcpfon wrote

Hi everyone this is my cat I’m so happy to report that she is now home safe :) thank you for sharing this and spreading the word 🎉


Strong-Amphibian-143 t1_jd1knbq wrote

Isn’t Brighton the name of that guy who got caught stealing luggage and wearing women’s clothes?


[deleted] t1_jcznit9 wrote

Better use for it than what it's intended for.


BirdLadyBirdLife t1_jd0i95w wrote

Gay sex prevents abortions, suck a cock for Jesus 💒


financialmisconduct t1_jd18ky7 wrote

You literally comment on gay porn subs


[deleted] t1_jd1bat0 wrote

Yeah so? Pornography doesn't expose you to danger from others.


financialmisconduct t1_jd1bis5 wrote

i just find it ironic that you're being overtly homophobic as someone that looks at gay porn


[deleted] t1_jd1bt2u wrote

So other gay men are exempt from criticism, or else that makes me homophobic? It's okay for us to treat each other like shit? You hypocrites love social darwinism.


financialmisconduct t1_jd1c1k8 wrote

Individuals may be subject to criticism, stereotypes however are foolish


[deleted] t1_jd1e5jx wrote

I couldn't care less if Grndr users are offended for the dysfunctional culture they foster. They have no problem out-grouping others
