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jayfeather31 t1_jclhxj2 wrote

That doesn't even make any sense.


chernobyl169 t1_jcljul2 wrote

It's an interesting variant of the Chewbacca Defense, I guess.


thormun t1_jcm3lvb wrote

well it make more sense then blaming wokeness at least


Malumeze86 t1_jcmtw76 wrote

Work from home is woke.

Haven't you been paying attention?


BobbyLeeBob t1_jcon1vr wrote

Then I am woke on at least one issue. Who would have thought 🤔


omgFWTbear t1_jcn3ylm wrote

The bank failed because the glove didn’t fit so all the investors their assets acquit.


TreesForTheForest t1_jco6g5z wrote

I work at a much larger financial institution than SVB. Let me translate: our managers did a shitty job of managing risk. Because they were not competent enough to use telephones, zoom, email and instant messaging to connect effectively with others in the organization, they did not understand they were doing a shitty job until it was too late.