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marvelmon t1_jclfkj6 wrote

Of course. Had nothing to do with SVB not having a risk manager watching their investments.


chemicalrefugee t1_jcm4tn2 wrote

And of course nothing to do with the deregulation of banks under Trump. Or the US obsession with pretending that Classical Economic Theory works. Nah, it has to be something that actually increases bank profitability (work from home) but which the power obsessed managers dislike because it puts employees out of their sight.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_jcmqjny wrote

it doesnt put them out of sight, they can demand a teams video call whenever they want


CosineDanger t1_jcoelfl wrote

There's subtleties to power, and layers to why wfh is seen as the enemy even if it makes productivity go up.


marvelmon t1_jcm6d3c wrote

Deregulation had nothing to do with it. SVB made bets that the interest rates would remain low. When interest rates were being raise by the Feds, they didn't have a risk manager to adjust their investments.

And who is going to pay for the bailout? Regular people through ever increasing bank fees.

Inflation happened under Biden. Higher interest rates happened under Biden. This had nothing to do with Trump.


AttractiveNuisance37 t1_jcm6wh4 wrote

Except that stress testing and liquidity coverage ratios exist to prevent banks from gambling on rates the way SVB did.


jointheredditarmy t1_jcmaumd wrote

So it’s been a while since school but I seem to remember it would not have. Treasuries are always considered risk free for capital calculation purposes. When rates go up 5 points in 9 months it’s anything but risk free. The thinking is that even if you have a duration mismatch, it will converge at some point, since the treasury will get paid back at some point, and that’s true until you have a bank run.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_jcp4odc wrote

“Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent”. Can’t help but feel this lesson was learned before. Not too long ago.


No-Carry-7886 t1_jco5auy wrote

Yo dumbass are you familiar with economics? I work for a bank and trade for a living lol and deregulation is absolutely what did it.

Imagine sticking up for banks lol


mytthewstew t1_jcvytvc wrote

They could not hire a risk manager because they would have pointed out the risk.


IcyContribution8432 t1_jcq1kwk wrote

Or the fact that Peter Thiel told everyone he knew to withdrawal all their money causing a run on the bank.


marvelmon t1_jcq2ec2 wrote

Peter Thiel was right.


IcyContribution8432 t1_jczkfsa wrote

So you support attacking financial institutions in order to harm American businesses and investors?


marvelmon t1_jczmja3 wrote

Yes that's it. I support attacking financial institutions in order to harm American businesses and investors.

I want to see banks make shitty investments so that I have to pay to bail them out. I can't think of a better use of my savings than the bailout out billionaires.