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thatweirdguyted t1_jchfts5 wrote

I don't think it's the intention to have them from the get go. I think it's an unfortunate "ants a picnic" phenomenon. Like how house parties are great fun, but eventually you have to stop having them because inevitably some frat bro asshole fills the toilet with kitty litter (thanks again Lonny, you prick)

A churches main goal is blind, unquestioning obedience. Mainly for the purposes of profit,, but they'll swear it's for the Prophet. That is it's own scam in and of itself, it needs no further shenanigans. But it also takes a real amoral, narcissistic asshole to make a career out of duping ignorant saps full time. So it's not like they'd let morality or even legality get in the way of fucking the congregation, financially or physically. They probably dont see much of a difference.

The church can't really purge themselves of this kind of person without shutting down most of the rest of the scam. And there's too much money in it to just walk away. So they do what they can to cover it up and use PR to make it seem like they're not just letting it all continue.


More_Cowbell8 t1_jchl0ju wrote

It was from the get-go actually. The moment the church realized the $$ possibilities, they killed off the gnostic, & the institution was born.