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blahbleh112233 t1_jc6z9gi wrote

What? Unless I missed something, there was nothing to hide, the entire finance industry knew basically all of SVB's deposits were uninsured and just underestimated systemic risk.

Don't want to take a shot at you but do you have experience in the finance industry? Its posts like this along with the weird political bent that makes me wonder how much of reddit just a weird witch hunt.


Negatrev t1_jc7090z wrote

What politics? It's just amusing that either the person listing the job didn't know, or listed it regardless of everything happening. Either way it's funny!


blahbleh112233 t1_jc717zd wrote

It's a broad statement given how redditors are making pretty wild leaps of judgement based on no facts.

I'm really not sure what the regulatory job has to do with SVB going under, when SVB went under because of a bank run that had nothing to do with the job posting at all. This is like if an apartment complex burns down due to arson, and people point to an open plumber position as the smoking gun


Negatrev t1_jc73kjd wrote

Which would be amusing if the position was posted while the complex was already on fire 🤷