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S_T_P t1_j8x6o7y wrote

>> While not everything in the movie is accurate, Frances Toto did hire teenage hitmen to help her try to kill her husband five times, including failed attempts to blow up his car and attack him with a baseball bat.

>> One night, Frances Toto put a bottle of sleeping pills in her husband’s food and then the hitmen shot him.

>> “Twice, one in the back of my head and then the bullet went right through the chest,” Tony Toto said.

>> Because of the pills, Tony Toto’s system slowed down. He was in a daze and says he didn’t feel a thing, believing his wife when she told him he had the flu.


ScrollButtons t1_j8xe69g wrote

>“And then we both cry and we said to each other, ‘From now on, let’s talk, let’s talk, let’s communicate better.’ Something that we should have done it before. So that’s what was missing,” Tony Toto said.

What in the r/relationships is this


bilateralrope t1_j8xokvm wrote

Killing him didn't work, so they were running low on options.


thecowintheroom t1_j8z71h1 wrote

Confirmation bias says that because he didn’t die, she realized he was meant to live, and that she was meant to love him.


JustStatedTheObvious t1_j90iq1e wrote

It's rare when the title is exactly like the Onion's writing style.

And even rarer you can quote the article and still question whether or not this is satire.