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anal_opera t1_j8m2h5h wrote

That whole article is anti-woke republican propaganda. Police dogs don't have shit to do with slavery. It's ridiculous when cops let the dog keep biting someone who's already handcuffed, but the democrats are not coming for your dogs. Jesus fuckin christ these idiots.


anal_opera t1_j8m5qq1 wrote

And what does that have to do with today's police dogs? Nobody said dogs weren't used to track slaves, you added your own context there and then complained about it.


neon_trotsky_ t1_j8mg55z wrote

Did you know that slave owners also did this thing called breathing? Stop being racist, stop breathing! /s


temporarycreature t1_j8m674i wrote

Did you bother reading anything I said, or any of the link I shared?

Had you, you'd not have asked a question like you just asked or made the response you just did. Are you here in bad faith?


anal_opera t1_j8m6civ wrote

Go away. You're more annoying than the article.


TheTayzer t1_j8nw9ki wrote

i feel weird agreeing with you when you have that username... lmao
or should i be singing my ass off?


temporarycreature t1_j8m88mo wrote

Facts get in the way of false beliefs. Guess all that systemic racism appeared overnight in America, huh? Can't be traced back to heinous stuff like this.
