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sarduchi t1_ja8sxso wrote

Who lives in the east 'neath the willow tree?
Capital Insurrection Panda!
Who explains insurrection to you and me?
Capital Insurrection Panda!
Don't say that, don't go there...
Don't be nasty says the silly bear!
He's come to tell you
what's right and wrong...
Capital Insurrection Panda!


t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_ja8wywu wrote

saw the title and thought the same thing before seeing that it was already here


MissedFieldGoal t1_ja9iyaq wrote

I think it bears repeating that this isn’t acceptable behavior.


Hirokage t1_ja9uj4v wrote

This sounds so South Park.


Shkval25 t1_jabpwz1 wrote

He's not the Sedition Panda anymore. He's the Don't Overthrow the Government Panda.


africakitten t1_ja9a6jm wrote

These are the fascists we're meant to be afraid of?


HarryHacker42 t1_ja9k0sz wrote

Any individual fascist is pathetic and a loser, such as Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham. But together, by the millions, they are dangerous because they all vote as a single block for getting rid of the EPA, stopping those who oppose them from voting, and killing healthcare and social security.


defaultusername-17 t1_jaac234 wrote

don't forget the active fucking genocide against trans folks.


[deleted] t1_jaatcjd wrote



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Khemith t1_ja9r0n5 wrote

Wait until they start marching in the streets when a charismatic leader who isn't a complete narcissistic fancy lad. Wait until some disaster happens and it's you and their white nationalist gang with no federal authorities to protect.


Commie_EntSniper t1_jaayi0c wrote

You should never try to hide wearing a panda costume. Easy to spot.


Gutterglitter11 t1_jab2rrr wrote

Wow, assaulting and officer and resisting arrest are grouped into the same charge? That's kind of odd to me