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WimpyLimpet t1_j7kfyz6 wrote

For those who aren't into clickbait, here's what he said:

> "I resigned as deputy half an hour ago. I can't talk anymore, call me again in two hours,"

Yep... that's it.


Moug-10 OP t1_j7kg8yl wrote

I forgot to add it. I just let the title by default.

At least, he didn't make things worse. I wish it were the worst reason for a politician to resign (I'm not talking about him). Unfortunately, we know worse cases.


dice_away t1_j7khaaz wrote

why would anyone want to bust it down Sexual Style in that situation


Shot-Spray5935 t1_j7kkgmw wrote

Hopefully he was very patriotic and only watched Serbian porn stars. None of that Kosovan, Albanian or god forbid Croatian nonsense.


JensenWench t1_j7klvpw wrote

Ok, years ago, when I lived in the states, my daughter and her friend were honorary pages for the day at the state house in WV. They made them sit on this bench that faced the representatives backs, so they had full view of their laptops. At least 2/3 were looking at porn. My daughter and her friend were like 12, and were freaked out. I’m pretty sure it’s more common than anyone realises, or even thinks about.


Moug-10 OP t1_j7kmbq2 wrote

I understand some people are very horny and/or just like watching porn. But not everywhere.

I remember reading a manga recently. Great work but at some point, I saw so much sexual stuff while it's mainly a manga about gangs and violence, I stopped reading it in public transport.


WimpyLimpet t1_j7kr5y9 wrote

To be fair, the rules of this sub don't allow altering titles and OP posted the exact title of the article they linked.

Could they have picked a better article to link? Probably, but OP didn't write the title.


daboot013 t1_j7krr13 wrote

"It's very hard, for me, but I step(sis) down from my seat. It's not ideal, but a sticky situation such as this has put me in a position I never thought I'd be in. I promise I've never done this before... I'd like to thank my family, my step mom, step dad, and my step daughters for riding meimean Through this bumpy time" him probably


TricksterWolf t1_j7kufuo wrote

If this were America it'd have to be parody because our politicians would never resign over anything embarrassing.


Citizen-Kang t1_j7lviq9 wrote

Maybe I'm being a bit of a prude, but I feel there is a time and place for that kind of thing. In the legislative well of a state house, in knowing full view of minors doesn't seem like that time or place. Does nobody police this type of thing. Are there no standards of conduct? I'm going to be disappointed by the answers, aren't I?


Jim_from_GA t1_j7lzce5 wrote

I think the headline is longer than the article, TBH.


smashkraft t1_j7much8 wrote

Their boss is a complacent idiot who won’t fire them no matter how many times they lie, steal, prove incompetence, or no-call no-show.

That boss has another thing coming if he just keeps ignoring the dilapidated state of the ‘shop.


DFWPunk t1_j7n8d6h wrote

"I still don't understand how she got stuck in the dryer."