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Citizen-Kang t1_j7lviq9 wrote

Maybe I'm being a bit of a prude, but I feel there is a time and place for that kind of thing. In the legislative well of a state house, in knowing full view of minors doesn't seem like that time or place. Does nobody police this type of thing. Are there no standards of conduct? I'm going to be disappointed by the answers, aren't I?


smashkraft t1_j7much8 wrote

Their boss is a complacent idiot who won’t fire them no matter how many times they lie, steal, prove incompetence, or no-call no-show.

That boss has another thing coming if he just keeps ignoring the dilapidated state of the ‘shop.


Falconflyer75 t1_j7nfdk2 wrote

I don’t think it’s prudish to say time and place, if u said not even in the privacy of your own home then you’d likely fall in that category