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Poison_Ice_Blade t1_j9pce7s wrote

Not everyone knows that opium comes from poppy plant.

It might be more common knowledge with Europeans because of their trade history. But i don’t think its that well known in America.


Thai_Lord t1_j9pd8hm wrote

Literally everyone in America knows this. Mostly from Seinfeld, but I also learned it at least 37 times from other kids in school.


BrightGreyEyes t1_j9sm8hv wrote

Yeah, but learning about it like that is the kind of thing that could make you doubt it


Poison_Ice_Blade t1_j9pe0ry wrote

Seinfeld? Is that like a tv show? Kinda sounds like one. My school also never talked about drugs so openly. So I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I learned it from an anime that is based in industrial Britain, they briefly referenced the opium drug problem they had at the time.


Thai_Lord t1_j9pedj1 wrote

No it's a band duh


Poison_Ice_Blade t1_j9pepr9 wrote

That would explain it, I’m not interested in music enough to justify knowing song or band names with the exception of the most popular ones.


Cindexxx t1_j9s8pyh wrote

It's hit and miss.

Fun fact: it's because they're doing it wrong. The seeds don't contain any opium. It's in the latex. But commercial processing just squishes the pods to separate the seeds, and it's smashed all over them. They're supposed to wash them but it costs more so..... Nope lol.