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Here_Forthe_Comment t1_j7ircu8 wrote

>You do understand that she’s talking about men who would use the guise of being trans to harm women and girls, right?

You do understand that's an just an excuse people use to justify your transphobia, right? It's not a real reason


Noahcarr t1_j7irjni wrote

So you’re saying that it’s not a valid concern?


Here_Forthe_Comment t1_j7is59l wrote

No, not really. There is no proof or evidence that men are now identifying as trans women to hurt women. That's not a thing. There is no right wing news outlet who wouldn't love to get ahold of some statistic of that sort. There's even an increase of gender neutral bathrooms but no increase in that kind of crime. People are just living their lives.

There is an increase in hate crimes towards trans women though, so that's a valid concern. Maybe we should protect them instead of saying, "but what about these people" that have no cause for concern.