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Void-splain t1_j6symkf wrote

Someone somewhere was like "And you'll pay me how much? Sure, I don't care what it's for man, I'll get you the pigeons, and they'll be the right color"


KombattWombatt t1_j6sz6qz wrote

That's just what the government wants you to think, man.


DaimonionSaint t1_j6td6zk wrote

Someone about to lose their job at the government painting the pigeon the wrong color


DamnBunny t1_j6ttk1n wrote

Well that's just heartless and cruel.


DjToastyTy t1_j6ttnad wrote

waiting for the tiktok of that gender reveal party


Dirty_Quesadilla t1_j6u8246 wrote

Can we all agree that the lady who started this bullshit should be held accountable for all the fuckery from her great idea?


Skatcatla t1_j6ub8wt wrote

Seriously, can we stop with the stupid gender-reveal parties? Least favorite trend ever.


aLittleQueer t1_j6unw5h wrote

Torturing and then dumping animals to advertise your unborn kid's genitalia. I guess it's marginally better than blowing shit up and accidentally killing people/starting massive wildfires for the same reason?


Rosebunse t1_j6unwzd wrote

The gender reveal party at my work involved delicious cupcakes. Really, the best cupcakes I ever had. The cream in the center was fluffy and thick without being too heavy.

Everyone should just do those and we would all be happier.


bdog59600 t1_j6ush0b wrote

Cons: Animal cruelty Pros: Does not cause forest fires destroying vast swaths of wildlife habitat


DamnBunny t1_j6v8sjo wrote

Yes it is. Leaving it pink and exposed is cruel for many reasons. One its not in its natural color as nature intended. Two, it will be very vulnerable to predators. And it will have a hard time feeding since everybody can see a pink pigeon. So its starves to death or gets eaten. I am sure that was not their intention but they should have thought it through before doing something so wrong.


Crooked_Cock t1_j73iijv wrote

I fucking hate gender reveal parties and the people who do them

Nobody gives a shit about the gender of your little spitball, stop wrecking the environment.