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B4rracud4 t1_j1ilvuc wrote

Likely not, I've read extensively and your story is echoed in many of them.

It seems you clicked the wrong link. Personally I do not explore the web in the same way I used to.

I've been to some very dark places and I've made sure never to go back.


d4rk0n3x OP t1_j1im2zh wrote

I'm keeping everything that could actually deanonymize me quiet


B4rracud4 t1_j1ineo3 wrote

No problem, but if someone out there was really "onto you" no matter if it was just a "warning" you can be sure that no amount of anonymity online is going to keep you safe either.


d4rk0n3x OP t1_j1inlmw wrote

Good thing it's just a burner account then no link back to my identity