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Ahh-Here_007 t1_j032m0d wrote

I've come across similar behaviour while working with people who have affected mental health. Usually accusing a neighbour of purposely flushing the toilet at certain times, messages through the radio or a car happens to be following them. This sounds like schizophrenia. Don't be too disheartened. It is quite manageable with the right intervention.


Succubi1 t1_j09kvct wrote

I had a neighbor like that. She constantly accused me and my sister of doing noise on purpose. She looked horribly so she hated attractive young women. She hid in the night behind the door in the common area just to avoid greeting people. She wanted to poison peoples animals. Such people are not really manageable and are dangerous and scary. Later she was not paying rent so she moved to live in a homeless community, and it got public she got kicked from her nursing job where she took care of elderly patients because they dier and she took their belongings, police were involved and court ordered her never to return to that country.