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CandiBunnii t1_ivokseg wrote

I mean... If you end up somewhere between the two it should balance out, right?

Between 10 and 3 is 6.5, which I'll round up to 7 because personality plays a factor.

I'd say a solid 7 ain't too bad.

Kidding. Really though, what you see in the mirror every day is not what those around you see. We tend to focus on every imperfection and the things we would like to change instead of recognizing the beauty we already have.

Your unique features make you, you.

And fuck mirror-you. Bitch needs to eat Windex.

Does make me wonder what happened to the previous owners. Did they die, or give in to the mirror's temptations?

I could see it showing someone elderly themselves full of youth and vigor again, no more aching joints and children that don't visit, reunited with their spouse...