Submitted by DressPowerful t3_yosu3b in nosleep

I live in the top story of an apartment complex. The place is really old,there are several cockroaches in the halls and there hasn't been a day where I haven't found a dead bird or mouse outside.

It may be crappy,but it's all I can afford until I finish my senior year at college,I'm a sophomore right now. Other than it being quite unsanitary,I only really have one complaint. My neighbours' kid keeps on crying and it's always followed by the sound of screeching tyres. It always happens on at the same time every Thursday. 3:30PM.

Now me being the patient person I am,I've been trying to live with it through my two years here. This crying is annoying enough,but the confusing part is I've never seen a little girl around the complex. All my neighbours either don't have kids or have a son.

I always think to myself, 'Maybe I'm just at my classes whenever she leaves her house.' That seems like a logical explanation...right?

My friend,Lorraine,told me that she had done some research on my apartment after I told her about the crying. She told me a girl had been killed on the road my apartment was on. She had died by being run over,three years ago. If what she's saying is true,then that probably means her ghost would be haunting the place.

From what I've learned about ghost,they only haunt the area they died in if they have unfinished business. So I would assume she wants to scare the person who killed her to death. However,I'm pretty sure she would have been buried somewhere far away from here,since there aren't any cemeteries nearby. Wouldn't her spirit follow the remains of herself or am I just stupid?

Lorraine also told me what car it was,they didn't get the plate though. It was a car used by learner drivers when they take their drivers test.

Wait a minute...I was learning how to drive three years ago. I was sixteen at the time. While I was driving through this road in my neighbourhood,I had hit something. I wanted to go check what it was,but my driving instructor told me to "Leave it alone. People hit things on the road all the time. It was probably just a kid's bike or something."

Now I wish I had followed my instincts. That probably wasn't just a kid's bike. But an actual child.

It's almost the time when she cries in the afternoon. I'll go downstairs and try to find her. Maybe if she can finally get her revenge,she'll be able to rest. Her life was taken away so unfairly. It wouldn't be right to keep her restless. I look down at my watch and see the time 3:25PM. Just five more minutes.

I stand out near the area where the accident happened. But then I hear from behind me,"You came back." I turn around in a flash,it isn't time yet but,there standing in front of me is the girl from the pictures of the case. Even though I'm absolutely terrified,I speak back to her.

"Yes,I'm aware of what I did three years ago and I'm sure you have some business to attend to with your killer,which in this case is me. Now,you may exact your revenge in any way you see fit." This doesn't seem too bad. I don't really care what happens to me. As long as she can get her revenge. "What are you talking about?" she asks me. "You aren't the one that needs to be punished. You're one that's going to help me." "What?" I inquire. This doesn't make sense,I was the one that ran her over. I should be her target.

"When we become ghosts,our death replays. This happens so we know who to go after or apologise to or whatever needs to be done. When I saw my death,I was less concerned about exterminating you. I was concerned with how my family had reacted." "How did your family react?"

"They didn't really care. Anytime they needed to be questioned they'd cry crocodile tears and pretend to be devastated about my death. I was never treated like thier daughter. I was more of a guinea pig to them. I was used as bait to test if my grandfather was a pedophile and even after he was proved to be,they did nothing about it. They were the ones that made me sit in the middle of the road. Since there's a DMV in this area,there are lots of learner drivers that come through here. They knew that somebody would be learning to drive that day,so they saw that as the perfect opportunity. The worst part about this,is that nobody came to my assistance. Several people walked past me and not one of them made an attempt to help me. I was just sitting there,they could have easily moved me from the road. The reason why I stayed there is because I was stupid enough to believe my mother when she told me to wait there and if I stayed there long enough,I'd get a reward. I was so desperate to be valued by my family that it had lead to my death."

After she finished speaking I saw that some tears began to fall down her face. I bend down to her level and try to console her. "I may not know how you feel,but I know whatever you went through was not deserved. Whatever you need me to do I'll be willing." Her crying had ceased to occasional sniffles.

"Thank you," she says in a quiet voice. "Now you'll be given your first order thing,my helper." "What is it? Whatever it is,I'll be up for the task."

W҉h҉a҉t҉ w҉a҉s҉ t҉h҉e҉ n҉a҉m҉e҉ o҉f҉ t҉h҉e҉ p҉e҉r҉s҉o҉n҉ t҉e҉a҉c҉h҉i҉n҉g҉ y҉o҉u҉ t҉o҉ d҉r҉i҉v҉e҉ -part two



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carlrendezvous t1_ivfw045 wrote

You're a good person for standing up to what you did. Working with the ghost girl to get her revenge might even be one of the nicest things you could do as well. I wish you a lot of good luck with your little quest.


CandiBunnii t1_ivgbn6z wrote

Yeah there's no way the dude teaching you to drive didnt see the kid.

Maybe if you were going down a very steep hill?

Even then, his job is literally to pay attention to the road and your driving.

Shouldn't be too hard to find his name.


ObjectiveOne3868 t1_ivh11dm wrote

Hey. For all you know, that "student driving teacher" could've been her dad or something? I'd imagine a number of other people wouldn't have told you to just keep going or that what it was wasn't a big deal. If they saw the girl and deliberately refrained from telling you (which a person teaching a student driver should be aware of the surroundings while driving because they're responsible for what happens) they had it out for her. She knows it was an accident for you and she's not interested in harming you. She may be unsure of who was teaching you (but it was really her dad). Mom makes her sit in the middle of the road, and dad is the driving instructor (who could've deliberately made you run into the little girl by distracting you).

Edit: just a...hypothesis if you will. Also, poor girl. Hope she's able to get some peace.


urmangina t1_ivicwu4 wrote

You are haunted for life.