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poison_snacc t1_iyf0ueq wrote

Yeah, I could post a dozen stories on this sub just based on the shit I’ve put my Sims through, and i’m not even talking about the NPCs. The only problem with most of them is that I don’t know how you could really write a story from the POV of a ghost, since ghosts can’t hold a pen or type, not to mention the fact that, despite my omnipotent presence in the Neighborhood, I still don’t actually understand a lot of Simlish. After all, I’m just the demon sent here to control the little fuckers; I’m not the dude who created them in the lab or wherever these tiny people came from.

And I really don’t want to make assumptions on what emotions my victims are feeling as a result of my horrific cruelty. Assumptions are rude! I mean, like, imagine being Mortimer Goth’s ghost & having nightmares every 2-hour day about the time that you were possessed by Satan & drowned in your own swimming pool while your kids were burned alive on the back porch, but you find out that the all-powerful deity who is controlling your every move & is responsible for your death is convinced that you’re just having a nice dream about playing Marco Polo at a family barbecue. That’s so lame.