Submitted by Ellie_The_Mermaid129 t3_y7m8bv in nosleep









All used to describe me. I was everywhere. Cosmopolitan. Esquire. Vogue. Glamour. You’ve made eye contact with me on a billboard. You’ve seen me in commercials.

I’m also terribly impatient. Winning the genetic lottery bestows certain privileges, many of which can turn you straight into the bitchiest diva if they are overindulged. I deserved them for all the kale smoothies I gagged on.

I had scheduled a shoot with my favorite photographer, Nico. He was one of the few that respected you enough to not bend you over a table. To any prospective models, ladies, if you find him, keep him.

It was supposed to be a straightforward session, a promotional shoot for a national retailer. They are in every mall and they sell shirts on Amazon. No crazy boots or green lipstick this time. Only store signs.

My high heels clacked on the wood paneling. My entourage flanked to my sides. People who wanted to matter, but didn’t. You know the feeling. The copious amount of camera wires and tarps proved hazardous as I balanced precariously over them. The air conditioning left the room feeling chilly and distressing.

“Oh! There she is! How are you my love?!” Nico’s exotic accent complemented the bourbon on his breath. Not the smell of a drunk, the smell of quality. Refinement. I liked that in a man.

“Where’s my chai tea?! Where is it?!” My irritation was paramount. They should know this already.

“It’s coming dear. Melissa!” Nico shouted, looking up above me. “Get her her tea, please. And promptly.” I heard a disgruntled groan behind me as Nico kissed the back of my hand, his finely groomed beard tickled.

“Shall I turn you over to our stylist?” He asked. His sunglasses reflected my face in the lenses.

“Where’s my fucking tea?!” I repeated.

“You’re right!” Nico stormed off. I heard screaming, shouting, angry crashes, clothing racks thrown, and then Nico, returning, tea in hand. Melissa or whoever she was followed close behind, red-faced and puffy-eyed. I threw off my massive fur coat as I nestled the tea in my hand. The flavor was bland, but not enough to throw a tantrum over. I had to get to work. The day would be long and unrewarding as is. But, as Duran Duran once said:

“Wider, baby, smile and you’ve just made a million.”

I sat in the cosmetics chair. An overly nervous stylist, a woman, started applying foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss as another started tinkering with my hair. After an hour or so, I was ready. Nico walked over, arms outstretched.

“Oh, what a beauty! Truly a marvel!” He cooed. I smiled, knowing his assessment was watered down. I strolled over to a clothing rack. Simple shirts, jeans, jackets, and shoes. Melissa stood in a corner, staring daggers into me. Fuck her. Men always looked in lust. Women always looked in jealously.

I examined the clothing selection more intently. Fucking really? I was so much better than this shit. I begrudgingly threw on an outfit, consisting of a shirt, belted jeans, and sneakers. I stepped in front of Nico’s camera and started posing. Simple. The flashes of light with each snap erased my negativity about the outfit and gave me an immense feeling of joy.

“Yes girl! Work it!”

After several minutes and constant camera flashes, Nico got me into another outfit, this one a basic black pantsuit paired with high heeled leather boots. The more photos that were taken just fueled my insatiable ego. Finally, I was motioned to strip down to the nude. Why? This wasn’t that type of shoot.

“Umm, are you sure?” I questioned.

“Just do a couple for me, baby!” Nico asked, his face begging in anticipation. Oh, of course. The jacket.

“Sure.” I relented as I peeled off my clothes. Why not? It was the end of the day. Nico handed me the black jacket and asked me to put it on. The jacket, as always, was shiny and felt heavy in my arms. A cloth hood was attached to the collar. I slipped my arms through the sleeves and flipped the jacket up and over my shoulders. This was Nico’s favorite jacket to have me wear. It was a personal pleasure for him. Worry suddenly shot through my brain as I settled my frame into it. The lining felt…

Strange. I shrugged the feeling off. A mistake.

“Great! Flip your hood up!” Nico began snapping photos. I posed, blew kisses, and really tried to sell the bad girl look.

“Ok, now flip it down off your shoulders and arch your back!” Nico asked. I rolled my shoulders back to remove the jacket.

Nothing but leather creasing. What the hell?

I tried slipping the hood off my head. The unmistakable pain of hair being pulled stabbed into my scalp. I squatted down and winced, rubbing my head.

“What’s wrong?” Nico asked, his face popping out from behind the camera lense.

“I can’t get this jacket off!” I gritted my teeth in frustration. I started flailing my arms wildly, the metal zippers clinking. Panic began to work its way into my chest and throat.

“Hold on, let me help you!” Nico walked over and placed his hand over the hood. He pulled.

“Ahhh! Fuck! Stop, you’re hurting me!” I screamed. Tears sprang to my eyes, my hair follicles on fire. My chest felt weighed down, as if an elephant found it a comfortable resting spot. I couldn’t breathe. I felt the cool, smooth leather under my finger tips. It crinkled and squeaked with my movements. I collapsed in a heap on the floor, now in a full fledged panic attack.

Nico hushed my entourage and all other personnel out of the room as someone called 9/11. What was this? Some kind of sick prank? I felt the jacket start to form around my body like a second skin.

I ugly cried, my tears blocked my vision. Suddenly, I heard a scuffle. Nico shouting. A door lock clicking.

“Melissa! What the fuck are you doing?!” A surprised shout. I looked up, seeing Melissa, the assistant, standing over me. Her face was reddened, her fists balled tightly. I shook my head in confusion. Nico pounded on the door.

“You spoiled cunt. Here's your chai tea.” She said quietly, and without emotion. Then suddenly, she snatched the hood in a death grip. The pain was so intense I howled. I felt the hairs in my head begin to pop out of my scalp. Warm wet crimson began running down my face in jagged lines. I saw Nico on the other side of the door, hands over mouth, helpless.

I kicked and screamed, but Melissa was stronger.

“This is for all the years of abuse!” The saliva molecules splattered in my ear canal as she pulled harder. I felt my face begin to tear like wrapping paper. I felt a warm ridge form in my forehead as the hood was peeled off with my skin and scalp.

The pain was so unbearable I couldn’t make a sound. My hands flew up to where my hair had been.

Sheer horror.

They came back slimy and bloody.


I stumbled around, my vision red and murky. I caught a brief, blurry glimpse of Nico, hands on knees, projectile vomiting. My knees gave out as I face planted onto the floor. I chipped a tooth on impact as I heard footsteps approach me from behind. I felt a shoe slam down viciously in the back of my neck.

“Bitch.” Melissa spat.

I gasped as the pulling resumed. I realized, to my absolute horror, that the jacket was still stuck to my back. My skin began to tear at the shoulder blades, each cellular layer was ripped and shredded as the jacket took my skin like the pelt of an animal.

I screamed louder than I’ve ever screamed. The sound rang off the walls. I reached behind me helplessly as the sleeves were jerked backwards. The knuckles on my hands were now exposed, the joints coated in blood.

I wanted to die.

Melissa did. The police shot her between the eyes when she wouldn’t get off of my lifeless corpse. According to the subsequent police report, Melissa, the disgruntled fashion assistant, had booby trapped the lining of my jacket with epoxy adhesive, the world's strongest glue. My skin had no chance. She knew I’d wear the jacket, I always did for Nico. As soon as my skin made contact, my modeling career was over. Melissa knew that was the real pain. The physical agony was just icing on the cake.

I don’t know when I lost consciousness. I know it was before the police arrived. I had to be resuscitated in the ambulance. I was given over five emergency blood transfusions. My body didn’t have enough skin left for a graft, so I was given an allograft from a medical cadaver.

My body rejected it.

I layed in a recovery bed for over six months. Since I was injured during a shoot, the client paid for my substantial medical expenses, which ended up bankrupting them. After what felt like a lifetime, the bandages were removed. I shrieked.

Horrid, ridged, cavernous, abominable scars embedded themselves deep into my deformed face. My scalp, now bald from the complete removal of the hair follicles, was a wavy mess of uneven lines, raised pock marks, and jagged scarring.

I hid myself in my hands. I couldn’t bear the sight. I cried myself to sleep. I couldn’t work, not only as a model, but anywhere. I would be seen as a freak. Heads would turn, gossip would flourish, and assumptions would be made.

Vanity is only skin deep.











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Ad_Honorem1 t1_isvp6hh wrote

I wouldn't necessarily say it serves you right but karma's a bitch.


qxphy t1_isvpw48 wrote

a reminder to always be nice to people. especially the ones who work for you.


knoxollo t1_isvq8d2 wrote

I'm not gonna say you deserved it, because that's absolutely terrifying. But... I'm not gonna say you didn't deserve it, either. Being born pretty doesn't make you any better than anyone else. Being a bitch, however, makes you worse. I wish you a speedy recovery (what's possible), and hoped you pick up some humility along the way.


Voiddragoon2 t1_isvr1p1 wrote

Dear diary, Today I learned not to be an asshole.


Wishiwashome t1_isw3jic wrote

Well, I must confess, young lady, while I am truly sorry for you being hurt so badly, you had a shit attitude. As someone who was considered very pretty, some might say gorgeous, as a young woman, I never thought all women were jealous, nor did I ever think all men wanted me( nor ignoring LGBTQ+ desires) I wasn’t a bully. Any talent, gift, whatever we want to call it, be it looks, athletic ability, musically inclined( oh how I wish:), or intellectual capacity, all can be gone in a moment of time. Just the way life is. Melissa was wrong, but I wonder how berated and bad she had to feel for how long to get there? No excuses for her actions. Sorrow for her death and a lousy reality check for you.


LikeThemPies t1_isw9mbt wrote

Wow. Straight-up nuclear revenge. I guess some lessons can only be taught the hard way.


Ellie_The_Mermaid129 OP t1_isw9xfp wrote

The pain is unbearable. And not just the physical deformities.

Imagine your entire life, everything you love, stripped away from you. Literally.

And yes, I realize in retrospect just how appalling my behavior was. There is no excuse for it. I’ve tried to live as normally as I can, but I still look at my wall of magazine covers and just sob. It’s such a challenge to even get out of bed and stare at myself in the mirror. What I’ve become.

I do feel relieved in a way. Modeling changed me. It made me toxic and unlikable. I think I’ve shed most of that, mainly because I’ve had to push through all of the self-glorification and strip my ego down to nothing.

It’s just been so hard.


PM_me_yr_bonsai_tips t1_iswbmv5 wrote

As much as anyone, I like horror movies where all the flawed characters get killed off and the virtuous “final girl” survives, but when you think about it, it’s pretty fucked up. No one deserves to die (or be mutilated) for smoking weed or having sex or even being kind of a bitch.


112233meds t1_iswe37b wrote

Beauty is only skin deep friend.


[deleted] t1_iswi3pb wrote

girlll... it astounds me that people can be so disgustingly vain and narcissistic. with your whole heart and zero skin you wrote, "people who wanted to matter, but didn't" .. why r u literally dorian gray but uninteresting and (presumably) straight


ThrillianIsOkay t1_iswpevk wrote

Years of abuse? Sorry, but did I miss something? Shouldn't Nico be on the brunt end of Melissa's ire?

He's her boss and the more likely culprit! And it seems like the model barely knew her.


Ellie_The_Mermaid129 OP t1_iswpxeb wrote

>barely knew her

I knew OF her, but I never cared enough about her to remember her name. I worked with her for years I suppose, but like I said, she was only a face to me. Nothing more.

I’m sure there’s people you work with that you don’t know very well. Someone in a corner office or someone who works a different shift, perhaps?

In the fashion industry, it’s even worse. There are very few colleagues you get on a name-to-name basis with, simply because everything is moving so quickly. There is always a another place to shoot, a new brand to promote, a new style to push, a new fragrance to bathe in.

As for her ire towards Nico, I can’t say. I think her hatred and anger was directed towards me because I was so beautiful. Did Nico enable my inexcusable behavior? Absolutely. Was he ultimately responsible for her misery and resentment?

No, I was.

It eats me up.


SsjSkyy t1_iswq8x6 wrote

damn, that’s unfortunate-


Ellie_The_Mermaid129 OP t1_iswqlv6 wrote

Because that was my mindset. It was. As horrible as it is to admit. You can’t get the whole story of me without seeing the person I was. It’s how I thought. Other people didn’t matter to me.

Writing this was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. My internal transformation, so to speak, was because of losing my skin and seeing how ugly I was on the inside. But writing down the person I used to be, and the selfish, narcissistic, and awful traits that came with it, that was harder in a way.

It was just as painful honestly.

Now, of course, realizing the mistakes I’ve made and being able to change for the better, it’s all I can do.


ThrillianIsOkay t1_iswrqvy wrote

I suppose I understand better. But at the same time, if the cruelty was impersonal and not exactly ever directed to this female assistant, her "revenge" still seems misdirected.

Unless there was some more personal misgiving done, or the model stands for something that is against the assistant's values, then the assistant is projecting her hate and using the model as a scapegoat. Add her envy and Nico's verbal abuse to the mix, and we have a ticking bomb.

The only thing that might have been the OP's fault is that she has been enabling Nico's behavior all these years.

Sorry, analyzing the nature of human cruelty is an interest of mine.

The story is intriguingly tragic to say the least.


randauum t1_isww4ag wrote

I'm at a cross between feeling sorry for you and saying you deserved it


S-re-D-dit-F t1_isx3ese wrote

I am shocked.

I am scared.

I am impressed.

I am curious.


boldcattiva t1_isx6ltw wrote

You weren't responsible for anything. She was messed up in the head. No one deserves to be recognized. It was a job, if she didn't like it she could quit. Being ignored is no excuse for attempted murder and body mutilation. Honestly the scariest part about this story is how many people think you got what you deserve.


boldcattiva t1_isx7g3w wrote

Sorrow for Melissa's death?! After she ripped off someone's skin?!

Get off your high horse. I bet you were a bully and are so delusional you don't even see it - If you really think someone deserves to be mutilated for being mean, your priorities are super messed up. Melissa could have removed herself from the situation. The fashion world is notorious for being a hard industry. The scariest part of this story is how many people think Melissa was in the right.

OP was right to put up walls, all these people wish her harm because of her beauty. A CEO acting the same way would be praised, but a young beautiful woman deserves to be mutilated?!


LatterTowel9403 t1_isxb36n wrote

I’m so sorry. You deserved to be slapped into next week, but never this. You will be able to wear a wig with long bangs, and as a model you know that makeup can do wonders.

Society is also very understanding and supportive of a disaster. You were attacked. Although your modeling days might be over, you will still be accepted and even embraced by the world. Don’t be ashamed to talk about it, and I’m sure you could write a very successful autobiography- you are extremely good at writing, I felt your pain!


trashmoneyxyz t1_isxgtnp wrote

Mmm if Melissa was being abused at work there are steps you take before attempted murder and flaying, I’m gonna go ahead and say model girl didn’t deserve being degloved even if she was a bitch


ohhoneyno_ t1_isxiyd2 wrote

Meh. I always say that there are people in this world who just need to get punched in the face one time as a direct result of their actions. SO many people would benefit from it because it humbles you really quickly and even if privately you maintain that tough facade, you're much nicer in public which is subjectively more important because service workers/assistants/receptionists,customer service reps, etc are not the publics personal verbal punching bag.

I don't believe in God but I do believe in karma and just like God, karma don't like ugly. You'll most likely fall into the cycle of feeling like any attention is good attention despite your disfigurement.


mrs-chapa t1_isxnjq4 wrote

Your assailant was evil and cruel to do this to you ,but the way your "beauty" had you treating people was also wrong,maybe not murderous wrong,but wrong never the less! You still have your life,you should definitely become a speaker for other beautiful model and hopefuls as how to treat other people,who just because their not as beautiful as you doesn't mean that they don't deserve dignity and respect!! Even though your not beautiful on the outside doesn't mean you can't still be a beautiful person,and help others,true beauty comes from what's inside you!.you really don't have much choice you can wait around feeling sorry for yourself and get depressed or you can speak to other girls and young models ,maybe even become a photographer yourself,just find a way to live in what skin you've got left,and the people that matter to you will accept you just the way you are and the people that don't,well their the ones that don't matter ! Best wishes for a beautiful future!


monkner t1_isxo139 wrote

You should have been nicer.


blhklotus t1_isxp6se wrote

Why does she wear the same jacket all the time for multiple different photoshoots with Nico? I don't get the logic aside from it being convenient to the plot (Nico's "personal pleasure").


KYpineapple t1_isxs9oc wrote

we all get what we deserve, I suppose.


1MoreTiredTeacher t1_isxz6p0 wrote

OK, this one I can explain. Some photographers have token items that they treasure and want to include in photoshoots. Be it a piece of jewelry, a set piece or even a coat. Most times, when you're working for a client, you can't slip these tokens into the main photoshoot, but if you're comfortable enough with the model you can ask them to make some extra pics. This won't work with any model as most would reject, but almost every model has a main photographer and every photographer has a main model. Imagine you take a selfie with the local newspaper every time you travel, to mark the date. It's kinda the same thing. Photography is not just a job, it's also a passion, so many photographers develop some rituals


daworstredditor t1_isyae4d wrote

Being attractive comes with its own problems. Being ugly is still worse though.


This-Is-Not-Nam t1_isyc0jg wrote

I'm sure a sneaky lawyer could find insurance coverage somewhere to pay for your damages and lost income. Good lord. For a minute I thought you were being eaten by some kind of cloak mimic.


NLTC t1_isyi2kq wrote

Now’s the time to make the move into acting. There’s always horror…


[deleted] t1_isyl7mo wrote

she can be the star of horror films! her personality suits it.


Physical_Average_793 t1_isytydf wrote

Sorry boss but if you treat people like ass for years bad shit happens


Affectionate_Yam7007 t1_isyww2l wrote

You did not deserve this, but take it as an opportunity. There are tons of people walking around and living their lives after being victims of attacks that disfigured them, perhaps you could join a support group? With your resources, perhaps you could advocate for yourself and others who have suffered avid attacks, facial burns, etc. You still have a full life ahead of you. Do something good with it!


VeryRealAuthor t1_isyz0hz wrote

The only lesson I learned from this was to fire people who look like they complain.


Prince_Polaris t1_isz2vuj wrote

You oughta call Nico and ask if he would like to go bowling, you've lost your hair and he's lost his job, so maybe you two could at least try to keep hold of that friendship you had!


Oxymur t1_isz3req wrote

What are thy current means of living?


ilexflora t1_isz4o48 wrote

Ellie, I hope this serves as an opportunity to find out who you really are underneath the facade. If beauty is only skin deep, then what lies beneath? Maybe you are a master sculptor or genius computer programmer.


ArgiopeAurantia t1_it0i308 wrote

Melissa had no doubt observed OP being horrible to a whole lot of other people as well. It might not all have been personal revenge. And if OP had become emblematic to her of abusive bullshit in her career, it makes sense that this might be her last stand. It sounds like she just finally broke.


ihatepineaples t1_it5lj67 wrote

that shouldn’t have been as satisfying as it was


DawningSkies t1_itadylv wrote

Wow, you truly were a bitch, but that's a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Nico sounds like a good guy though. I assume you stayed friends?


shinylittlethings t1_itg7577 wrote

As someone who has worked on set for many many years- it’s not this deep. The photographer will do test shots for their book at the end of shoots sometimes. You wouldn’t use the client looks for this. Also, there are wardrobe stylists on set. A (camera?) assistant wouldn’t be handling any clothing.