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Orange__Moon t1_it6s14z wrote

Vampire's are no more monstrous than any other creature. Do you find bears monstrous? Dogs? Cats? Humans? Humans kill every day. Even you do. The food you eat, how do you know for sure that cow doesn't understand awareness of its life, that it desperately doesn't want to die? Humans kill other humans as well. The Vampire is only doing it for survival. And Vampires at least, are capable of determining if their food actually deserves to die or not. I know lots of men who deserve to die. Plus, I'm sure some don't need to be killed. I'm sure it would be possible to get a pint of blood from a willing person quite often as well, either by paying them or from someone with interests in such things. I can't believe what a terrible son you are honestly. People who so desperately wish to fit in always are, terrible that is.