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w00tewa t1_it4wso1 wrote

Child molesters. Serial killers. Rapists. The school bully. Animal abusers. The world is full of bad people. People that, as long as they remain alive, cause pain and suffering to innocent lives. No sane person would want to murder people just to stay alive, you say. Are you sure?

If you could save innocent lives by taking out the bad guys and in return live for hundreds of years, wouldn't you be tempted? Wouldn't you want to? In a sane world people wouldn't ruin other people's lives. But the world isn't sane. It hasn't been for a very long time, if it ever was.

In the end, it's all about your perspective. A monster, or a hero. Either way, lives are changed forever.


jenfoolery t1_it6cj6p wrote

Unless Mom explains that being a vampire comes with Jedi mind tricks that work on cops, it seems risky to tie yourself to a future as a serial killer