Submitted by A_Red_Scarf t3_10uurwh in nosleep

I don’t even know where I am. It’s dark all around, my phone barely lights up my fingers as I’m typing this. It almost feels as though I’m covered by a thick veil of blackness. Fuck, I’ve just been sitting idly twirling my thumbs before I caved and typed out my thoughts. My phone shows no signal but I somehow managed to get hooked up to the internet. Fuck, this doesn’t make sense. I mean, I’d believe I was drunk or high or something but FUCK ALL! I swear on my life I’m not under the influence when I say this; but I think I somehow no-clipped through reality. I mean, a place like this can’t possibly be real, right? Haha, look at me, asking nobody in particular.

I hate being alone and anyone who knows me will tell you how much I hate isolation. This feels like a nightmare but no matter how many times I pinch myself, I’m still in this foreign place. I tried to reach out to anyone, ANYONE on my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter—and nothing! Either the whole world is in on a sick joke where they all collectively ignore my existence, or my posts don’t actually make it through. So now here I am, typing this out on Reddit for anyone to see. PLEASE SOMEONE RESPOND. The silence is loud, like a cricket ringing in my skull. Ffs this platform is my last hope so I’m praying this will work.

I’m gonna log my journey as I start venturing further into this veil of darkness. Wish me luck, haha…


Those three stars will signify a new entry. I’d specify the time but the clock on my phone has been stuck on the same numbers; 15:33. I have no sense of time in this place! On the plus side, it seems like my battery will last indefinitely so I don’t have to worry about preserving juice.

How far have I travelled? God knows. And for how long? I’m just as clueless. My phone flashlight doesn’t even illuminate an inch ahead of me. Whatever, I can only go forward anyways. Though after what felt like an eternity, I finally hit a wall. No, literally, I walked face first into a wall. My nose hurts, I think I might’ve broken it. It’s not the worst pain ever but breathing through my mouth is not pleasant. I hope I can find an exit soon. In the meanwhile, I’ll keep hugging the wall and move forward. Surely I’ll find a corner, or a turn somewhere, right? Right?

I’ll be back later. Toodles.


Fuck I’m sore. I’ve been following the wall forever and it doesn’t end. I had to take a break, my poor legs are killing me. I’m sitting on the ground for a moment before I keep going. I should take this time to reflect on my situation. I’m in some unknown place which seems to go on forever with no end in sight, and I can’t see a damn thing. Yet I remember hanging out with my friends just like it was yesterday. We were at a party…shit, I’m not even sure now. There were people. I remember thinking it was too many, but now I wish I could see them again. I’d be happy to see anyone’s face right now. Being alone like this…stuff of nightmares, I swear.

I think I would’ve gone batshit crazy if I wasn’t typing this. My internal monologue can only keep me so much company. Meanwhile I can only hope my post will go through once I hit send. I could take my chances now, but…I’m also a little scared to find out. This draft is my only way of keeping track of things, and a part of me is afraid to know the inevitable truth; whether or not I’ve become a ghost to reality. So if you read this far, please don’t stop. That means it worked, and maybe someone can guide me through this bullshit.

I will keep pressing on. What else can I do, really?

Tata for now.


Is there a song describing total darkness? Total, blinding veil of black? I can’t think of one. Fact of the matter, I can’t recall any tunes. Sounds like nonsense, right? Yeah I know, I thought so too, but my head is an empty echo chamber with my own worries. It’s just as devoid of anything as this space. I’ve only moved forward and made no visible progress. Why is it so empty? Why is my head so empty?

I can feel the ceiling if I stretch my arm out fully above my head. That’s new, I never noticed it before. Was it always like that? Either way, I couldn’t help but feel some form of relief. Finally, something that felt different. A wall and a ceiling. Which means there should be an exit. So this must be some kind of sick joke, right? Maybe my friends are all ignoring me…Yeah, totally. They’re all on board with some sick joke. Are we near April Fools? Wait, no, we were at a New Years party just before all of this started.

I was pinged by Facebook as I was getting ready to keep moving forward. My friends and coworkers were all together for a night out; at least according to the pictures they posted. How come no one wondered about me? They don’t seem to notice I’m gone. Or if they did, they don’t care at all. Did I do something wrong? Why is this happening to me?

I wish I had some ice. The swelling on my nose is ridiculous. Not only that but I’d love to be able to use my nostrils again. Have I ever mentioned how claustrophobic I am? Anyone who knows me would agree. I can’t even stand the heat of my own breath while wearing a scarf! Being deprived of cold, fresh air is quite tortuous to say the least.

I want out of here. I want out of this nightmare. Someone please help me.

Help me.



I’m scared I can’t stop shaking. I tried to turn around only to hit another wall. I’m in some kind of magic cement cage where the only way is forward AND IT KEEPS GETTING MORE CRAMPED.

The ceiling is barely touching the top of my head. I can’t stop crying. This isn’t real. This can’t be. Once I finally post this, it will be my only solace. I keep holding onto the thought that this narrow corridor will lead to an open space but…even I have my doubts…



I’m struggling to type with one hand. I made a terrible mistake moving forward and now I’m stuck crawling. My head is stuck to the side. My eyes hurt from side glancing.

The ceiling is gonna crush me if I keep moving. I barely fit as is. The path never got bigger.

I’m gonna hit post and pray for the best. I should’ve gambled my luck sooner. If anyone sees this, please give me a sign. And if anyone ever gets stuck in a place like this, DON’T MOVE FORWARD.

I don’t know if I’ll die of a heart attack, lack of oxygen, or if this place will come crashing down…I just refuse to die without an answer.

Can anyone see this post?



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Its_panda_paradox t1_j7fgbyw wrote

OP, you’re not going to like this: you have to accept the small space and realize that you are and will be alright you’re safe, nothing is in there with you trying to get you. It’s just a smaller area than you prefer. Keep reminding yourself of this fact. Once you face this fear, the room evolves into a different form, and you’ll get a step closer to the Answer. I came back after I got my Answer—woke up in my trunk after my kidnapper got in a wreck. I won’t elaborate, but I will say I wasn’t expecting that particular answer, and I don’t like it at all, but I’ve accepted it now. I know someone who never got beyond room 1. I even heard about someone who made it through, and the Answer was a happy ending. Some do get those happy ones; some of us are still confused, and some even go mad when faced with it. Just know that when you get to it, the Answer is always final. Edit for typo/clarity


samusfan21 t1_j7e8qa9 wrote

I saw your post. STOP MOVING!!!


WoF_IceWing t1_j7ec8il wrote

T̷̨̧̞͖̗͓̗͖͖̉̋̓̀̓̇͘ḫ̵̡̺͇̙̰̯̖̻̜̈́e̴͇̞̱̒͜r̷̡͙͎͂̑̽ë̵̯̙͍͈̓̉́̂͘ͅ ̶̞̤̤̆̄̍̿̔̃̾͗í̶̢̛̫̝͔̮̈́̏͑s̷͖͋͋̃͂̇̀͂̿ ̷̣̈́n̴̙̮̜͎̱̻̂͝o̷͕̬͚̳͍̮̓̈͊̓ ̵̭̫̱̠͖̰̀͛͊̽̐ě̴̲̲͉̼̝̦̖̜͔͋̒̈́̈́͒̐ş̶̻́̈́͆͒́̑̕̕c̸̛̐́̔͌͐͌̽̑̕͜ȁ̸̡̫͍̻̲̑̃́̚͘͝p̷̧̡͉̤̪̜̤͌͐̒̈́͠è̸̡̩̪̱̯̫̙̈́̀̀̄̇̈̚


Fightshrubb t1_j7eijsa wrote

I see your post.

I know this is extremely scary, but you are okay. Take a deep breath.

Do you know what day it is?


kaoru-aeli t1_j7eig16 wrote

stop moving. good luck finding your answer, OP.


Jay-Five t1_j7emkci wrote

Don’t move. Can you make sound?


Big_Weirdo_123 t1_j7f6tkc wrote

Don't move, I saw your post, take a deal breath.. Check the date and time, good luck


NineTailedTanuki t1_j7fumoi wrote

I saw your post. Please don't move anymore. If you die, you'll be greatly missed...


IAmAn_Anne t1_j7eye9g wrote

We see your post. I’m assuming when you said you turned around and there was another wall you meant that a wall has materialized behind you, forcing you to continue forward or stay in place. I wish you’d posted sooner, we’d have told you to stop. It really seems that any movement is going to further trap you.

Wish I had any idea what sort of a place you’re in. It sounds like a hell specially made just for you. If you think back, do you recall doing something wrong that might “warrant” this kind of torture? Perhaps you can atone?


Sakachan t1_j7i2qcw wrote

we can. please stop moving, if you continue, it wil crush you.


fl0rafaWna920 t1_j7e3t6w wrote

Hi!!! Lending out a candle in your darkness. You are not alone. You sound like a poet and I’m not that good with words 🖤🌻


minhmits t1_j7gdo2s wrote

Take a deep breath, smoke a cigarrette


WalrusArtist t1_j7ia9je wrote

Wait guys I think OP is unable to see our interactions with his posts. Maybe that's why he thinks his friends don't care about him on his socials


sneakygurl1 t1_j7kip74 wrote

Welp. You r fucked my dude


That_Dimension_1480 t1_j7hgokt wrote

Accept the situation and be at peace. Nobody here can help you. We put you there for a reason. You shall come out a new man as my master mentioned.