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Lifedeath999 t1_j90jpkz wrote

Maybe Hades sent a soul to retrieve his dog for him? That might explain the eyes. It could also explain why Cerberus doesn’t want them to come in. He has a job after all, stop dead souls from passing through the threshold he Guard’s (in this case OP’s door.) I dunno, just spitballing.


[deleted] t1_j91dnun wrote

I like your theory!


heffel77 t1_j93vkqm wrote

Memphian here and huge Big Star fan. Did you really sing for Alex or is that a clever username?


[deleted] t1_j97vpx1 wrote

Haha, nah I don't think I ever attempted to sing in his presence (and his spirit is probably still thanking me). One time he left a sung message on my answering machine - does the reverse count? My username was a rushed and poorly thought-out choice that I promptly regretted. I'd already used up all my good usernames over the years here - including daisy_glaze - and was probably listening to that Replacements song when I made the account. Or maybe this really happened. :)

Anyway, great to meet a fellow fan! Alex was absolutely amazing on so many levels...


etoilebrille t1_j96q6p7 wrote

Makes sense. And the biting could be his way of making sure the guests are all alive?