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Admirable_Nothing t1_j6lfwy2 wrote

I would think Ukraine would be better off with A-10s than F-16s.


Ok-Seaworthiness4488 t1_j6lq7vk wrote

A10s work against enemies that don't have good anti-aircraft defense since they fly really slow. Not ideal against s300 or s400s


Pollia t1_j6lptki wrote

A-10s are flying death traps that also have some of the worst friendly fire incidents on record in modern times.

The story around them absolutely does not match up with the reality.


Agent_Kid t1_j6m859w wrote

Especially with both sides using the same equipment. It'd be a recipe for disaster.


pEppapiGistfuhrer t1_j6m9jod wrote

The A-10 would be utterly useless, its a bad aircraft that was outdated when it came out and only useable against insurgents armed 50's technology. They didnt even have any up to date optics or observation systems and instead the pilot had to use literal binoculars to spot targets which led to some of the highest amounts friendly fire incidents recorded with combat aircraft


Todesfaelle t1_j6mefyh wrote

Sounds very "let's build a frame around this gun then ask questions later".


Prophet_of_Entropy t1_j6o70vn wrote

it was a plane designed to give the US 7 days. 7 days of delaying the soviet armored push into the fulda gap. they werent expected to stop it, just give time for NATO to do something.


Admirable_Nothing t1_j6oy0ok wrote

Spoken like a true Jet jockey, that will fly over w about 20 minutes loiter time and swoop down so fast they can't lay down accurate fire for shit, expend a ridiculously light load of ordnance and head back to the concrete airconditioned O Club to have another gin and tonic. All the while the A-10 is hanging around laying down accurate fire and making a difference to the grunt on the ground. Yep, he will get shot up while doing it but that broken airframe will carry him home to fight another day.


allannon t1_j6lrq6g wrote

I'd honestly think something like a Super Turcano over A-10.

They don't have the bitchin' gun, but are still in actual production and probably simpler.

But I don't think either would be a great option for contested airspace.


strik3r2k8 t1_j6lnq61 wrote

That brrrrrt is some good psychological warfare.