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coldgator t1_j64m8d1 wrote

>The couple, who share two other children who are also patients at the hospital talked about their journey.

Um...maybe stop having kids now.


Dalisca t1_j64zifq wrote

They are freekin cute; so glad they are expected to recover!


sawyouoverthere t1_j650zk8 wrote

I don't know why they bothered to add that detail, since most people would not care where they took their children to hospital, unless it was the hospitalised children in question or they were currently in treatment there.

It's clumsy enough to not be just clumsy, but misleading.

eta: not only that but there are a lot more stories that say they were "adding to a family of five" and that there are three other children.


sawyouoverthere t1_j652x5i wrote not just "like a patient at a dr practice" then I guess, but being treated by the hospital as written. Not that SCA is anything to do with the conjoined twins, I don't think (I have no idea if there's any particular risk factor for conjoining)

But also....isn't that nearing a HIPAA violation to reveal who is a patient, when it's not part of the story in question? (I suppose the parents may have given consent for that to be shared)


Ahelex t1_j65alfu wrote

What a rather unfortunate name for a children's hospital.


Nadamir t1_j65h0zy wrote

I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if their older kids were currently getting outpatient treatment at the hospital. I can imagine there might have been some psychological counselling going on just in case something happened.

Depending on their age, the idea of doctors cutting your little sisters apart might be a bit traumatic.


Odd-Neighborhood5119 t1_j665xz3 wrote

As I understand it. They were conjoined high up around the breast bone. Sharing a liver, which was divided. Half to each. Liver will regrow.


Odd-Neighborhood5119 t1_j68hmn3 wrote

Yes it can be used in some situations but not in this case. The separation would cause too large a gape to use glue. That's why they do grafts to cover the large gape