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forestrox t1_j61yv9p wrote

Second degree murder. There needs to be a harsher category when the people entrusted with state sanctioned violence commit these crimes. They must be held to a higher standard to build back and maintain public trust.


FlimFlamMagoo728 t1_j64c42w wrote

Second degree murder just means that there isn't premeditation. Which is the appropriate charge in this case - it would take proof that these guys all went out there with the intention of doing this. It is the right charge, and overcharging leads to acquittals.

I absolutely agree that there should be an added level of penalty for cops that break the law though.


forestrox t1_j64jo2k wrote

Premeditation can be established within seconds of the encounter if the police had an opportunity to de-escalate. The prosecution may be using second degree for an easier conviction. It’ll definitely be interesting to see what the video shows of the incident. Either way I am glad the chief is being proactive on this case. Change is slow but it’s happening. Body cams are finally validating what many minorities have long said about police encounters.


FlimFlamMagoo728 t1_j64kw9f wrote

Just because it can be established doesn’t mean it will be… idk I think Second is the right charge if the goal is to actually convict.


forestrox t1_j64m96f wrote

For sure, I agree. We need to see more convictions in these cases. It’s eroding public trust in law enforcement at this point being so cliche that they rarely face consequences.


Bedbouncer t1_j6dhdpw wrote

>Premeditation can be established within seconds of the encounter if the police had an opportunity to de-escalate.

Under this definition, can you define a murder that would qualify as without premeditation?


forestrox t1_j6duy65 wrote

If I recall those usually fall under Felony Murder and are crimes of passion, or deaths caused by indirect action.