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[deleted] t1_j3zbvuh wrote



FaisalAli_91 OP t1_j3zfkts wrote

I agree.

It seems they are brainwashing these anti-democracy QAnon Republican movements all over the world.

Brazil, Canada we saw similar behaviors. The US and the GOP obviously.


Wear-Fluid t1_j3zg62c wrote

Brazil handled things so much better than the US.


AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j3zgro9 wrote

It's helpful when the party that supports the insurrectionists isn't in charge of the Executive Branch at the time it occurs.


Wear-Fluid t1_j3zkb2n wrote

True we were still just one year into the pandemic also. I’m just saying it looks like they’ve done a better job overall than the US have done to this day.


FaisalAli_91 OP t1_j3zlga9 wrote

Unfortunately Americans allowed the GOP to win another election in 2016 so we put ourselves in this situation.

If Trump won 2020, his 2024 insurrection would have been much worse.

Biden is doing a good job cleaning up the Republican insanity cult shit - but it all comes down to whether Americans show up to vote Democrat in massive numbers.


Equal-Membership1664 t1_j403ykz wrote

So, are you saying we will get the government we deserve?


FaisalAli_91 OP t1_j40s76o wrote

In a way, though nobody deserves this relentless brainwashing and insanity and failure of these GOP politicians.

The GOP can't rationally explain why they need all their power. They can't rationalize why they made a child raping psychopath Russian asset into the President of the United States.

They brainwash Americans to believe they are "Republican" and must vote and donate to the Party always no matter what - even when they are absolute wretched failures to humanity and the USA.

Republican politicians will deliberately rape children and commit racist atrocitites so when they are called racists and pedophiles, they will say "Look at how the liberal media calls all of us millions of Republicans racist!"

They are deliberately committing racist assaults on black voters so they can get called racists so they can further seperate their base of gullible voter donors from the rest of us.

Republican politicians and the Russians are brainwashing their own private cult right in the USA to burn down elections and assault trans people and terrorize black voters.


PPQue6 t1_j3zhoad wrote

Arrest Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, these two dumb fucks are behind these extremists movements around the world.


Perfect-Height-8837 t1_j3zwuq9 wrote

I've always thought that the UK is about 5 - 10 years behind the US in term if behaviour. I can see partianship identity building up here, fuelled by news papers such as The Daily Mail and The Express radicalising their readers. I'm not sure we'll see riots (we're too lazy, it's cold and there's always something on the TV worth watching), but I fear the negativity and obstruction between fellow citizens over political preferences. It's already happening on news forums. It will soon break out into real life.


FaisalAli_91 OP t1_j40ssdl wrote

You're so right.

I honestly believe the Tory's are following the same brainwashing playbook as Republican MAGA and Bolsanora.

Brexit and Boris Johnson are extremely similar to Trump and MAGA.

Even though both are cancerous for the humanity, both crashed their countries economies - and both are loved and worshipped by millions.

No amount of corruption now has any affect on Tory and MAGA voters because they are being brainwashed to block out reality and live in a Fox News fantasy world.

It's the creation of an alternative reality for their followers to keep them extremely loyal.


FaisalAli_91 OP t1_j3z9hjk wrote

From the article:

>U.S. and Brazilian lawmakers are looking for ways to cooperate on an investigation into violent protests that rampaged through Brasilia this weekend, sharing lessons from inquiries into the attack on the U.S. Capitol, people familiar with the talks said.
>The initial discussions occurred as more than 70 lawmakers in the two countries signed a joint statement denouncing "anti-democratic" forces trying to overturn recent elections in their nations with political violence.


alien_from_Europa t1_j45uog5 wrote

I know it's not related to this, but since US and Brazil are talking, I'm hoping Brazil will ask to extradite Santos next.


asynchronous- t1_j42itxq wrote

I don’t get why this is so hard. We sanctioned the Russian Oligarchs who were supporting authoritarian regime change in Western Europe… why can’t we just sanction the people/corporations funding authoritarian regime change in the Americas… follow the money. Rip these assholes out by the root. It isn’t the people protesting that’s the issue. Those sheep in wolves clothing are being used.