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No_Biscotti_7110 t1_j66d71t wrote

This guy is a burden on his state even when out of office


Happyjarboy t1_j66j76f wrote

Judges, who are lawyers, always make sure other lawyers get money from the public trough.


LanceFree t1_j66rwnn wrote

I thought that was for people who could not afford an attorney?


justAnotherLedditor t1_j672pkg wrote

Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Setting a precedent where one pays their own legal fees would fuck it up for those that steal taxpayer dollars.

I hate writing that, makes me sound libertarian but that is what's happening here.


[deleted] t1_j67ydrl wrote

If we have everyone pay their own legal fees, who do you think is going to have better access to legal assistance -- rich people or poor people?

How about if the winner gets paid by the loser -- what does that do to access to legal representation? Do you think that rich people will get more representation than otherwise?


SurroundTiny t1_j685ez2 wrote

LOL remember during COVID when various taking heads were having hin run against Trump in 2020?


Sweet-Sale-7303 t1_j685m3z wrote

It depends on what the state law says. Everybody has to abide by the law. It doesn't matter whether you like the person or not.


SurroundTiny t1_j685nk6 wrote

If NY is on the hook for this then havr the normal department ls of the state government defend him. So I guess thTs what the State Attorney General?


Sweet-Sale-7303 t1_j68dbap wrote

Everybody is complaining that they shouldn't. Doesn't matter if people like the guy or not. If the state is stopping something that Cuomo gets by state law that's wrong whether you like the guy or not. Everybody has equal rights.


anonyoudidnt t1_j69sz8q wrote

Omg are you kidding me the bastard won? What about all the money and labor he stole from NY tax payers writing his book??


atomic1fire t1_j69ttx1 wrote

I mean they're not wrong.

Reddit likes to demand that the law get thrown away whenever something seems "unfair", but without a court case that would absolve the state of financial responsibility, they may be stuck footing the bill.


baxterstate t1_j6aklt0 wrote

Can a lawsuit be brought against a judge?


kstinfo t1_j6al6en wrote

The plaintive was on Cuomo's security detail and told investigators he allegedly subjected her to sexual remarks and on occasion ran his hand or fingers across her stomach and her back. The lawsuit seeks damages for “severe mental anguish and emotional distress.”

Cuomo is, in fact, another political lecher and New Yorkers probably shouldn't have elected him governor. At various times they could have picked Kirsten Gillibrand or Zephyr Teachout or Cynthia Nixon. Along with getting elected, though, he does get legal coverage for activities while in office.

At the same time it seems to me that Cuomo's accuser is riding on the coattails of other far more deserving targets of his advances. Not least of which...

According to Politico, Cuomo used the weeks after his resignation to mount a revenge campaign against his successor Kathy Hochul and other perceived enemies, financing it with $18 million of leftover campaign donations.


Happyjarboy t1_j6alomq wrote

It turns out before it became much more common, that one of the biggest diploma mills actually used the address for the Motel 6 in Gillette. We had a guy at work that had a fake PHD. degree, and he wanted everyone to call him Dr. Even had it on his answering machine, until we pranked it so many times he gave up.


sunnygirlrn t1_j6flktn wrote

I keep thinking what would the United States done without his leadership and daily news coverage about covid when tRump was president and telling us to inject bleach. I’ll always be grateful to him for that.


indigo-black t1_j6fxktz wrote

There was a good week or two during the early days of COVID where I was like man maybe this guy should run for president. That didn’t last long lol


buckyVanBuren t1_j6iz184 wrote

Yeah, The Cuomo administration’s March 25 directive barred nursing homes from refusing people just because they had COVID-19. Such a life saver. And intentionally lying about his COVID numbers, so he could look like he was doing better than he really was. What a champ. It is now nearly 15,000 up from the 8,500 previously disclosed.

On March 5, 2021, the New York legislature voted 43–20 in the Senate and 107–43 in the Assembly to strip Cuomo of his emergency powers. 


sunnygirlrn t1_j6kyyog wrote

Do you actually have any idea how many covid patients died in Florida, and Oklahoma, and this was after the delta strain, when we actually had a vaccine. Both of these governors hid actual Covid numbers, New York was ground zero, and extremely vulnerable. lessons were learned. I brought my mother home from the nursing home until the vaccine was available. I’m not saying Cuomo had all the answers, but he was at least being reasonable not crazy.