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Taniwha_NZ t1_j5pd2d1 wrote

He doesn't care about us watching it, nor even the tech-savvy indians who know how to get around the ban.

He cares about his voting base, the hundreds of millions of poor or poor-ish indians who have kept him in power and don't really use the internet to search for stuff. The ones who stick to facebook and a handful of other major sites.

As long as the people who actually vote for him don't see it, that's all that really matters.


LevelMedicine3539 t1_j5q6kkr wrote

You are wrong. His base knows what he did, that's why they voted for him. They are as rabid and hateful as their leader. This is more about saving his face in the world stage. So I would suggest everyone who can watch it to to watch it.


oogly24 t1_j5r4hld wrote

Yeah his main base is extremely proud of the fact their people got away with all the lyncing, raped and burning people alive (warning it is extremely deptessing). Delve into it a bit and you can see the hatred. There's also plenty of folk in the UK and US who feel this way too, they can be found excusing it all and victim blaming easily enough online and even Reddit.

He's literally their man and will always support him as he only did what they fantasised about.

The rabbit-hole gets pretty grotty though so it might not be even worth wondering how he got away with it on the World stage.


SpareBinderClips t1_j5rssvv wrote

This is usually the case; the politician is the symptom, the base is the disease.


GlitteringNinja5 t1_j5pvs1v wrote

You misunderstand. A lot of people (and i mean a lot) vote for him because of what he "allegedly" did in gujarat. The opposition parties despite being in power for 10 years after the riots couldn't do anything to him. This BBC documentary ain't gonna do shit. The opposition parties are as weak as ever.


weseire t1_j5r8x7t wrote

I think a lot of his base, actually approve of what he did in Gujarat. Honestly, not even sure why he is bothering banning it.


Severe-Experience333 t1_j5rkuzu wrote

People here vote for him BECAUSE of the things he did/ is doing. Like arundhati Roy said at the end of episode 2, I just hope there is record out there that not all of us are with this. There will be no change and no help. This is the new normal.


AttisofAssyria t1_j618pke wrote

His base loves mass murder, rape, and destruction of people that aren't them. They are monstrous