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snorlz t1_j57fk40 wrote

what the fuck is this story? I have more questions than answers


minneapple79 t1_j582hxx wrote

The story was insane, I remember reading it in New York magazine. The whole thing was like “how the fuck did this happen?”


Karenomegas t1_j583wf9 wrote

Friend of a spook from the 70s knew cult techniques and used them. Classic stuff y'know?

Edit: Sorry bout that. I live in the PNW so some of the more esoteric racial terms have eluded me. And its weird to start drawing strings to MkUltra in public usually. But in this case the guy loved to talk about his background in the CIA and yadda yadda Jim Jones and Charlie. Hell, even Leary said the company were the best people he ever worked with.

Anyways, this guy is real fond of saying he had Jim Jones (type) training from the same batch of yahoos outta the bay and they seem mad at him for it more than normal bad men. Good for society, bad for guy who should have led self help seminars.


fuxxociety t1_j58arie wrote

friendly suggestion, you may want to reword that statement..

Maybe it was meant to be a joke, but it reads like old southern racism. Jus' sayin.

Edit. I'm an idiot. please disregard.


Loki-Holmes t1_j58c63g wrote

How on Earth did you get racism from that?


Ruleseventysix t1_j58dnxu wrote

Maybe they are misinterpreting a Spook as something racist instead of as another word for spy?


Sinder77 t1_j58fchc wrote

Spook is a racist slur. It's also a spy, but it's also a slur.


fuxxociety t1_j58ez6o wrote

That's exactly what happened. I was raised in southern US. I'll see myself out.


MansfromDaVinci t1_j59em6h wrote



Coca-colonization t1_j5a3ljw wrote

Exactly what I was thinking of. I wasn’t familiar with the term until that movie. What an insane movie too. Anthony Hopkins plays a white-passing black man? Good job, Hollywood. 🤦‍♀️


ELYSIANFEELS t1_j58eosn wrote

Do you know what a "spook" is? How is that racist?


Sinder77 t1_j58faku wrote

Because it is? It's a slur against black people. It also means spy. But it's also racist.


Samstradamus t1_j5aytjl wrote

One definition means "spy"

A different definition means a racial slur

Yet another definition means "ghost"

The fact that one definition means a racial slur doesn't mean that each and every definition is racist