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CTDKZOO t1_j5gstb7 wrote

Making it easier to find than my initial reply:

After Monterey Park shooting, gunman targeted Alhambra dance studio, sources say

Monterey Park police investigate the scene of a mass shooting on Saturday in the 100 block of West Garvey Avenue in Monterey Park.(Raul Roa/Los Angeles Times)

Authorities believe that after opening fire at a Monterey Park dance studio Saturday night, the Lunar New Year gunman went to a second dance facility not far away in Alhambra, law enforcement officials said.

No one was hurt at Lai Lai Ballroom and Studio in Alhambra, the sources said, but there was a physical altercation and the man left in a white van.

“Some individuals wrestled the firearm from him, and that individual took off” in what some witnesses described as a white cargo van, Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said of the Alhambra incident.

Police believe that van is the one officers tracked to Torrance before noon Sunday, where officers surrounded the vehicle.

Torrence, CA - January 22: The suspect in a mass shooting in Monterey Park appears slumped over in a van as Emergency services personnel investigate on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023 in Torrence, CA. (Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)

Driver found dead after authorities breach van linked to Lunar New Year mass shooting 40 minutes ago

Officials are still trying to determine if the man inside the van is the person they suspect of being the gunman. A photo of a suspect was posted by the Sheriff‘s Department.

At Lai Lai Ballroom and Studio on Sunday morning, a handmade sign affixed to the front doors said, “Closed, in observance to Star Dance Tragedy” in red marker.

There were no obvious signs that anything had occurred in the foyer visible through the glass doors, save for a bottle of hand sanitizer askew in the middle of the floor.

Standing outside the squat white-painted brick building, Charlene Lung — an 82-year-old retired teacher — said she had been taking a private dance class inside and was unaware of the mass shooting or any incident at Lai Lai.

She and her instructor, who were both clad in dance shoes, had entered through a side door earlier that morning and hadn’t seen the sign posted on the front door.

Monterey Park Police investigate the scene of a multiple murder scene on the 100 block of west Garvey Ave on Saturday Jan 22, 2023. in Monterey Park.


Wand_Cloak_Stone t1_j5h04oa wrote

Am I the only one confused by the wording of this article? Who drove away with the van? Who had their firearm stolen? It isn’t clear if the van driver had struggled with the suspect and stole his gun and then drove off, or viceversa.


BrownChicow t1_j5h6z07 wrote

I mean, I don’t see why a random guy would wrestle a gun from a shooter and then just sail off into the sunset in his white van, so I’d assume that was the shooter


Wand_Cloak_Stone t1_j5hcut6 wrote

I wondered if it was a family member or something, since everyone at the second studio said they didn’t even know anything happened. So did he drive to another town to another dance studio just to steal a car and bounce?

Edit: this article suggests the gun was wrestled from him before he could do anything, so he ran away. Which makes more sense, I was just confused because everyone at the second studio denied knowing anything happened and they put a note on the door saying they closed only out of respect for the first dance studio.

> Officials were also investigating an incident at another dance studio that may be related to the massacre, Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said.

>About 20 minutes after the shooting in Monterey Park, an armed suspect walked into Lai Lai Ballroom & Studio in nearby Alhambra, but “some individuals wrestled the firearm from him, and that individual took off,” Luna said.


HighlyEvolvedSloth t1_j5i8p9v wrote

How does a 72 year old just run off? If they take the gun away from the gunman, why did they let this old guy shuffle off?


bbqyak t1_j5ix5xj wrote

Probably shock/fear. I mean we have to consider the likely age of the people there. I doubt a senior is going to want to chase a guy down the street who just tried to shoot up a dance hall. He could be armed with a secondary firearm, knife, etc. Unless this guy is willing to shoot the man himself why would he risk it?


dude707LoL t1_j5j4df0 wrote

So after they shuffle the gun from him, how does he shoot himself in the van later if he had lost his gun already?


Morat20 t1_j5keq3h wrote

My dude, mass shootings are a fucking daily event here. This our fucking life.

How sheltered do you have to be to assume an American mass shooter just had one fucking gun? When he was tooling around in a fucking van?


dude707LoL t1_j5kzlcv wrote

Because I'm not an American? For the rest of the world, having a gun is not a daily way of life. Also why are you so pissed just because I don't know. You should see a psychologist.


PhDinDildos_Fedoras t1_j5h13hk wrote

Don't know but attacking dance studios only is bizarrely specific.


signal_two_noise t1_j5h6vf5 wrote

"Sorry, you're just not ready to move to en pointe yet"


idk012 t1_j5hap76 wrote

Sorry you can't come to lunar new year Eve event, but your wife can.


similar_observation t1_j5hvx0x wrote


>Community leader Chester Chong told ABC7 that the owner of the dance studio on West Garvey Avenue was holding an event there on Saturday. Through talking with friends that were in attendance and other local leaders, he said a woman was invited to the event but not her husband, which made him upset. Chong said he believes that woman's husband is the suspect in this case and jealousy may be a possible motive for the shooting.

Stop repeating the rumor mill until there is an official statement.

  1. Chong wasn't at the shooting
  2. Chong is taking second hand information from folks that may or may not have been there either. Let alone know anything.
  3. Chong has cited his own belief targeting some individuals whom we do not know if they're actually involved.

This is how you fucking start a witchhunt.

For all we know this dude is just pissed he wasn't invited.


bananafobe t1_j5hu3fn wrote

Might just be where large numbers of people were gathered in a confined space.


dogglesboggles t1_j5iwa0w wrote

As a person who dances, and also is paranoid about mass murders, this is particularly interesting as well. I hope we find out the reason, but with the suspect dead it may not happen.


Suggett123 t1_j5jtzpy wrote

I dunno, this brings back memories of two women delivering newspapers.


designedforxp t1_j5jbz9m wrote

Line dance and ballroom dance is a pretty common 50+ year old Chinese woman hobby.


[deleted] t1_j5h1jme wrote



similar_observation t1_j5h3wl4 wrote

motive hasn't been established. Only that the shooter is also Asian.


[deleted] t1_j5hauyp wrote



similar_observation t1_j5hnfm6 wrote

Ya, I'm not interested in "possible," I'll wait for the police to release a statement, not speculation from a bystander that by standing somewhere else when it happened.


420ipblood t1_j5jg0df wrote

You must be the only one lacking the reading comprehension skills to decipher this because I see no issue understanding. Why TRY to be confused?


Butt_Dickiss t1_j5glfsj wrote

Everyone on citizen said guy in the van was slumped over steering wheel but haven't seen a report of their death yet, or confirmed it was the shooter.


bk15dcx t1_j5gsfjh wrote

Breaking News

He dead


nuclearswan t1_j5h9w4i wrote

The guy was Asian?!


[deleted] t1_j5hag9j wrote



similar_observation t1_j5huec4 wrote

The comment was made by a community leader that wasn't at the scene. This is not an official statement and shouldn't be accepted as one.


Bananajamuh t1_j5hbnkj wrote

That's fuckin insane


[deleted] t1_j5hbwbx wrote



Bananajamuh t1_j5hc7za wrote

Thanks for the link. Such a stupid waste of life.


similar_observation t1_j5hun2m wrote

Don't take it as fact yet. That comment was made by a guy that wasn't at the shooting. The article is a literally "i heard from some one else who heard from someone else..."


nuclearswan t1_j5hbq1n wrote

The fuck is wrong with this country?


docmedic t1_j5hjds2 wrote

What would have been a normal fist fight is now a mass shooting, which while could be solved by giving up guns is now to be solved by an army of shrinks materializing out of thin air paid by taxes that no one wants to pay to solve poverty and bullying and mental illness… and domestic disputes.

And I’m sure a grand total of 0 responsible gun owners reading this while in a domestic dispute are going to responsibly seek couples therapy due to this event.


pneumatichorseman t1_j5jduzq wrote

Love to meet the psychologist who can solve poverty.

You do know that most poor people aren't poor because of things they control right?


pneumatichorseman t1_j5jege4 wrote

Love to meet the psychologist who can solve poverty.

You do know that most poor people aren't poor because of things they control right?


Morat20 t1_j5kf31w wrote

We're dripping with guns. You can't take a piss without tripping over a fucking gun.

Guns are real easy to use and really good at killing people.

And of course the lesson we'll take is "We should do more about mental health [while refusing to fund it]" and "That just shows we don't have enough guns" and "He had a gun, therefore gun control doesn't work [despite having no real gun control here]".

I'd said it's learned helplessness, but honestly it's more like some weird death cult dedicated to enriching firearms manufacturers.


total_looser t1_j5oabdh wrote


ok, its the guns. Period.


onecrazyguy1 t1_j5ijehf wrote

Yeah obviously this is a sad reminder that gun control really does not work. California has some of the worst gun laws in the country, shootings are still happening there further reinforcing the fact that there is no correlations between gun deaths and overall violence.


TrainsDontHunt t1_j5jfq2j wrote

False statements based on lies you have incorporated into your thinking, I'm afraid. You see, gun regulations are being subverted and removed, so gun violence has increased. When we add more restrictions, the violence will go back down, as we've seen in the past. You are arguing AFTER the laws changed to help criminals.

For instance, bump stocks were recently restored to being legal, making mass shootings easier. But you'll sit there and say it isn't the weapon, when clearly the murderer chose it for its capabilities.


onecrazyguy1 t1_j5jzegc wrote

There were no bump stocks used here so it is irrelevant. I am not saying its not a weapon, just that is is perfectly legal. If people can easily subvert gun regulations(like californias AWB cosmetic regulations), it means they are not effective and mostly punitive.


PMmeserenity t1_j5i55ym wrote

Article I just read said 30-50yo male.


idk012 t1_j5iha7s wrote

Asian don't raisin. Original reports said 30-50. Then the picture came out this morning, and people was saying he's their grandpa's age.


Nugur t1_j5ibpvs wrote

I mean most speculated the killer had connections to this club. This wouldn’t be a surprise


Winchester85 t1_j5trcix wrote

What? Did you think he was white because of “Asian hate”?


nuclearswan t1_j5vinnt wrote

No, I thought he would fit the profile of other mass shooters. Pasty right wing nutballs like yourself, probably.


Quick1711 t1_j5hf8mj wrote

Domestic violence, collateral damage.

That's sad.


DaveDeaborn1967 t1_j5gp30p wrote

We are getting less civilized.


similar_observation t1_j5gpgmm wrote

That was abundantly clear when a small piece of paper or fabric over your face was all it takes to defeat a menacing disease and a shitload of folks wouldn't do it.


atomic_gingerbread t1_j5h18iq wrote

Yeah, it's not the gun violence that's indicative of cultural malaise, it's your irrelevant political hobby horse that you really wanted to post about instead.


oliveorvil t1_j5h57xq wrote

They're not mutually exclusive in regards to people's actions reflecting the state of society.. your comment is pretty ironic


atomic_gingerbread t1_j5h7ewz wrote

No, my comment is "on topic". This is an article about a mass shooting, not a mass not-mask-wearing.


oliveorvil t1_j5ha1l9 wrote

It was not only on topic but completely dismissive about another symptom of society’s devolvement.. we can have two thoughts in our heads at the same time. You just got mad because you view mask wearing as a “political hobby horse” which again, ironic


atomic_gingerbread t1_j5hbeoq wrote

You're missing my point, but that's not really surprising what with nuclear proliferation and Obamacare these days.


oliveorvil t1_j5hbwox wrote

Good one.. someone brings up another example of society getting less civilized.. you don’t like the example and deem it irrelevant and then as a joke bring up things about society that are actually irrelevant. Just doubling down on the irony of being egotistical and reactionary lol keep going, this is fun!


ArrrGaming t1_j5hl1np wrote

Covid-19 is directly responsible for the death of over one million US citizens. I'd tell you what I think of you, but that's against Reddit's TOS.


atomic_gingerbread t1_j5hm7fk wrote

When you think about it, it really says a lot about a gunman shooting up a dance studio.


Shiftkgb t1_j5i2jbn wrote

During lynchings entire communities would gather and bring their kids. It was also common to use pieces of the body and sell them as souvenirs as well as sell postcards of the event.


PMmeserenity t1_j5i5gcq wrote

Go back a few hundred more years, and lots of societies were regularly sacrificing children and war captives to the gods, and castrating young men to create servants. Shit was way more brutal than today's world. But it does seem like the trendlines are heading the wrong way lately.


[deleted] t1_j5h0wf5 wrote



xReshi92 t1_j5hij6q wrote

Your comment slightly reads as you saying conservatives are getting more civilized. Per your profile, that's definitely not the case, lol.


poetryinthewater t1_j5grk0p wrote

patiently awaits non paywalled information


CTDKZOO t1_j5gsjk8 wrote

After Monterey Park shooting, gunman targeted Alhambra dance studio, sources say

Monterey Park police investigate the scene of a mass shooting on Saturday in the 100 block of West Garvey Avenue in Monterey Park.(Raul Roa/Los Angeles Times)

Authorities believe that after opening fire at a Monterey Park dance studio Saturday night, the Lunar New Year gunman went to a second dance facility not far away in Alhambra, law enforcement officials said.

No one was hurt at Lai Lai Ballroom and Studio in Alhambra, the sources said, but there was a physical altercation and the man left in a white van.

“Some individuals wrestled the firearm from him, and that individual took off” in what some witnesses described as a white cargo van, Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said of the Alhambra incident.

Police believe that van is the one officers tracked to Torrance before noon Sunday, where officers surrounded the vehicle.

Torrence, CA - January 22: The suspect in a mass shooting in Monterey Park appears slumped over in a van as Emergency services personnel investigate on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023 in Torrence, CA. (Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)

Driver found dead after authorities breach van linked to Lunar New Year mass shooting 40 minutes ago

Officials are still trying to determine if the man inside the van is the person they suspect of being the gunman. A photo of a suspect was posted by the Sheriff‘s Department.

At Lai Lai Ballroom and Studio on Sunday morning, a handmade sign affixed to the front doors said, “Closed, in observance to Star Dance Tragedy” in red marker.

There were no obvious signs that anything had occurred in the foyer visible through the glass doors, save for a bottle of hand sanitizer askew in the middle of the floor.

Standing outside the squat white-painted brick building, Charlene Lung — an 82-year-old retired teacher — said she had been taking a private dance class inside and was unaware of the mass shooting or any incident at Lai Lai.

She and her instructor, who were both clad in dance shoes, had entered through a side door earlier that morning and hadn’t seen the sign posted on the front door.

Monterey Park Police investigate the scene of a multiple murder scene on the 100 block of west Garvey Ave on Saturday Jan 22, 2023. in Monterey Park.


sPunDuck t1_j5h1p21 wrote

"That was a fine job of tracking, Running Bear!"


similar_observation t1_j5gpbtt wrote

watching this closely. That area is my old neighborhood. My folks visited Lai-Lai when I was a kid, so that place has a huge sense of familiarity to me. My old man was friends with the owner(s?) and networked there often.


[deleted] t1_j5guivn wrote



SacrificialPwn t1_j5gv06j wrote

All of the info from the police, including the suspect photos, is that the gunman was asian


GBAfanboy t1_j5gxho7 wrote

There was a shooting back in ‘21 I think, where an Asian Church was attacked by an Asian of a different Ethnic group. Happened in Orange County


similar_observation t1_j5gyyul wrote

Same ethnic group. Different nationality.


GBAfanboy t1_j5gz71i wrote

Right I remember now I think it was a Chinese-Taiwanese dispute Still scary as fuck


SacrificialPwn t1_j5gzx4r wrote

I don't think even that example falls into the category of "racist attack from far right loonie gunning for Asians"


scaredshtlessintx t1_j5grso6 wrote

Do they think it’s the same guy?


GBAfanboy t1_j5gtlzv wrote

That’s what it appears to be, yes. Appears after Monterey Park he went to Alhambra to continue his spree. Some heroic individuals disarmed him there and he fled


HappyThumb55555 t1_j5h3u4l wrote

Was it the shooter or the heroes slumped over in van?


GBAfanboy t1_j5h59ku wrote

Shooter. He apparently shot himself


docmedic t1_j5hjtv0 wrote

Which means he still had another gun even after being disarmed.

Fortunately (out of this unfortunate tragedy), he chose not to do anything else.


WrightwoodHiker t1_j5k2h2c wrote

If he hadn't started shooting yet at the second location, do most people in here consider the "heroic individuals" to be bad guys that deserved to be killed? The general consensus on here was that the people who tried to disarm Kyle Rittenhouse deserved to die, since he hadn't started killing people first.


ecumenopoleis t1_j5l1338 wrote

I’m not sure if you will ever find a consensus when it comes to Rittebhouse.


TrainsDontHunt t1_j5jdqm9 wrote

He was looking for whomever sold him that hat.