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lollypatrolly t1_j4yhxpq wrote

> but why is Germany demanding a match.

It's cowardice, they're deathly afraid of doing anything without overwhelming political cover. It's much more comfortable to hide behind the skirt of mommy US.


MightyThor211 t1_j50gjhe wrote

Yeah, they are closer to the threat than the US. I would say it's more of a fear thing. I mean, the only things standing between Germany and Russia geographicly is Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus. Plus, add that history that Russia has made it to Berlin before and I can understand some hesitation.


Willygolightly t1_j50itnb wrote

So we could say that Germany is somewhat trying to appease Putin? Sounds familiar….


MightyThor211 t1_j50oxny wrote

In my completely non expert experience it doesn't seem like they are trying to appease him. The US is ok with throwing war machines at them because to the US, this is a giant dick showing contest to Russia. Germany doesn't want to wave its wurst unless they know they will have someone backing them.


Scagnettie t1_j51wxez wrote

> Germany doesn't want to wave its wurst unless they know they will have someone backing them.

You mean like NATO(which includes America and it's war machine) and the entire European Union? Your point makes no sense at all.


Scagnettie t1_j51wint wrote

Germany is well protected by NATO. If Russia is having this much trouble with Ukraine NATO would bend them over at will. As for your other point that Ukraine is one of the barriers between Germany and Russia it makes no sense for Germany to let Ukraine fall and bring the Russian threat closer.


akaasa001 t1_j522bru wrote

If Germany wasn't part of NATO, then I could definitely see your point. I suspect that this is more political, and perhaps they want something from the US. At this point I think we are all just speculating. It is making Germany look bad nonetheless.


MightyThor211 t1_j52wktm wrote

Oh agreed. As I said, in my completely non expert opinion this is all speculation.


jens-2420 t1_j4z8ei3 wrote

Baah. Should Leopards be delivered, next step will be fighter jets, war ships, … And the complete supply and maintenance line is supposed to be thrown in for free, too.


astro__dev t1_j4zdxzf wrote

Who tf says “baah” are you a sheep


jens-2420 t1_j4zdzop wrote

Everyone in Germany says that. Better than the US „fuck“ …


DrKepret t1_j50edt9 wrote

Least patriotic German. Dude’s everywhere on this post; the insecurity is leaking out.


jens-2420 t1_j50fs6t wrote

Ad hominem. MAGA style. Blocked


DrKepret t1_j50ggsj wrote

Ok, still doesn’t change the fact that Germans shouldn’t be blocking those tanks.


jens-2420 t1_j50hkgy wrote

I stop discussing here. USA political opinion - as much as I loved it when living there - is a Calcutta Black Hole since 2016 for me. No way for real arguments any more. Pity.
