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MGD109 t1_j4scy3v wrote

I mean its the UK. They have their problems, but generally they do like to hold the police to account.


bewarethetreebadger t1_j4sm28g wrote

Isn’t the UK government just now trying to pass legislation to allow police to crack-down on protesters? And isn’t it being criticized by other nations and Amnesty International as an “abuse of power” and an “affront to democracy”? That same UK?


TogepiMain t1_j4su3u0 wrote

Listen, we can hold then accountable for most things, but oppressing the poor? We might as well disband the police entirely if we have to start doing that


Cindexxx t1_j4td220 wrote

Dude put the /s, some insane asshole is gonna think you're serious.


TogepiMain t1_j502x6n wrote

I mean, where does the sarcasm end and where does getting rid of the police start?


MGD109 t1_j4vxw5j wrote

The one in the same.

I mean that's a different issues all together. The public like to hold the police to account for breaking the law. But what do you do when the bent government insists on rewriting the law?


Beautiful_Golf6508 t1_j4so6uc wrote


captcha_trampstamp t1_j4tapmg wrote

Hell, all of Ireland for quite some time. There’s a reason everyone tells you not to order a “black and tan” in an Irish bar.

I mean, you can…you just might not leave said bar with the same number of teeth you walked in with.


PGDW t1_j4svnl6 wrote

That's hilarious. If they regularly held them to account, there wouldn't be hundreds facing it now.


MGD109 t1_j4vycfn wrote

Why not? Everyone's got to offend a first time don't they? And its not like they can do anything about it until someone actually makes a complaint about it.