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cthulhus_spawn t1_iztbkik wrote

I live in the U.S. and someone I know died on that plane. She was coming home for Christmas.


PhilSpectorsMugshot t1_iztqgmr wrote

I’m sorry to hear that. I imagine it shook you and was quite traumatic.

One of my earliest memories of watching the news was the coverage of the Lockerbie bombing.


cthulhus_spawn t1_izuijxw wrote

It was a very long time ago and we weren't close but we went to school together for years. There is a memorial for her in the center of town. It was... surreal to realize someone I knew had died in such an infamous way. Send your loving thoughts to her family. I'm ok. <3


AngryZen_Ingress t1_izv53sa wrote

I was standing in line at Sadler Dining Hall when the news came over. I didn’t know people only because it was the end of my first semester. It cast a pall over the entire year.


angelcobra t1_izvfpby wrote

Oh god. I’m so sorry. I know it was decades ago, but my sympathies.


slemoine94 t1_izw4vfb wrote

I knew someone too. We went to junior high school together. My heart breaks for his family, all this news coming up again.


onarainyafternoon t1_izxd6lh wrote

I'm sorry for your loss. My father was scheduled for the same flight but decided to postpone his departure by a week. It saved his life, and mine consequently.