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StrawberryLemonMoon t1_izmexie wrote

"Damn, I know exactly what to say to make people not flock to my cause."


zombiegojaejin t1_izmfdpj wrote

I know what made me change at the age of 40, as well as many other people I know.

It was being told the truth.

If you pay for enslavement, mutilation and torture, for completely unnecessary taste preference, you're doing something in the same moral category as the guy in the pickup.

Telling me that that point doesn't work on you, simply means that right now I'm speaking to other people. Not quite speaking to you... yet.


JGyllenhaals t1_izmjbwp wrote

You're doing the same thing with technology instead of meat. You're human and equally hypocritical. You don't get a free pass.


zombiegojaejin t1_izmk41b wrote

Are you avoiding that technology? Or using it too, and also eating the corpses of tortured sentient beings?

By your reasoning here, isn't the guy in the video no worse than you or me? Why are we on a thread expressing outrage at him? If it's either 100% purity or nothing, why do so many people want to lock him up and throw away the key? He's just like us.

You're right that no one can be alive and be perfect. My point is about the relative size of harms. What many people eat every day causes much more horrible suffering than this guy caused to one dog, and the reasons people give for doing it are also really weak.


JGyllenhaals t1_izneh2e wrote

I'm not ruling out my own hypocrisy as I'm also human. Just don't flaunt yourself as someone better than non vegans when you're also guilty of what you spew. You're not better, you've just made a different choice in life where you belive you've made an impact. Grats.