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celebrityDick t1_j1gdfgw wrote

Learn how to shoot back. All the active shooter training you'll ever need


MeatsimPD t1_j1gzf2b wrote

Let's hope no one gets confused on which of the dozen people with their guns out is the real shooter


Raspberry-Famous t1_j1hs6v2 wrote

If I had to choose between a cop or a random gay guy with a gun to protect me from a right wing terrorist I'd choose the gay guy.


PM_NUDES_4_DOG_PICS t1_j1gex5a wrote

I'm just here to plug Pink Pistols/Operation Blazing Sword, an LGBT-focused group dedicated to educating the community on firearms safety and self-defense. They're an incredible resource and I highly encourage anyone interested in learning about defensive firearms use in an LGBT-friendly environment to check them out.