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FiendishHawk t1_j2aa45s wrote

I had minor surgery 7 years ago and they sent me home with a ridiculous amount of opioids that I did not want to take (about enough to be high as a kite for a week) When I complained that the wound was not healing right they ignored me, saying it was only hurting because I wouldn’t take the opioids. This led to 5 more surgeries to correct the first one.


Dpontiff6671 t1_j2aap8y wrote

Yikes dude that sucks, I had a surgery for a really bad leg break when I was a teen and was on opiate for around 6 weeks started a really bad point in my life that led to a 10 year opiate addiction been clean 6 years though minus two days on pain killers after the accident So I’m glad things didn’t go down that path for you.

But from what went on then it’s totally understandable why I was glad I didn’t get that many painkiller when i got in that car accident a few months ago


FiendishHawk t1_j2abfsk wrote

I can see why you’d get opioids for a bad leg break but my surgery would have been no more than uncomfortable had it gone well. Giving me as many painkillers as someone in a car accident was just crazy.