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Cicero912 t1_j2fb1tt wrote

Thats every oil country...

The only difference is that America will bend over backwards to satisfy the oil monarchys in the middle east cause they are right wing authoritarians, while if youre left wing they will try to destroy you.


atomic1fire t1_j2fc9ec wrote

Venezuala is a member of OPEC along with those "right wing authoritarians", so I doubt you're barking up the right tree.

America has no interest in nationalizing the oil infrastructure because we're not idiots.

Once you take over an industry and put party loyalists in charge, you basically remove anyone who has any idea what they're doing.

China had famines.

Venezuala had shortages.

Cuba had shortages.

Russia had shortages.

It's the same cycle of stupidity. Fire all the competent people, put idiots in charge, and ignore the simplest concept of supply and demand in exchange for the whims of some despot idiot who thinks they know better then human nature and the laws of scarcity.

End result is you always have too much of the wrong thing, and not enough of the right thing, and you end with the poor starving far worse then they would in a capitalist country.