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swizzlemc2pots t1_j25vaxc wrote

Now federally decriminalize it and remove it from drug testing. Even Canada considers it a breach of personal privacy.


IBAZERKERI t1_j25wm1v wrote

>remove it from drug testing.

so glad california did this.


unholyswordsman t1_j272mkq wrote

My company stopped testing for it over 2 years ago. They got tired of over 70% of applicants failing.


[deleted] t1_j2935t3 wrote



Dutchmaster617 t1_j29m3im wrote

I think it’s insurance for a lot of these companies in my legal state.

Anyways it feels like being a gay man in the military. They openly discuss their love of alcohol but I have to nod and not dare mention having a puff after work. It doesn’t help that I work for a traditionally conservative field, I had to pass a test to get hired but literally had the bosses talking about whiskey after a long day during the interview.

Fucking America, liberal legal state or not this country is run by old school conservatives.


Carbonatite t1_j29lcnk wrote

My company has two major offices in Colorado and California. The employee handbook explicitly says they don't care about marijuana use as long as it's off the clock.


Slimmzli t1_j27up55 wrote

I hate how I have a scrip for marinol yet the fucking probation office wants to keep making me piss test. So I just smoke anyways fuck em


Just-Flamingo-410 t1_j260hv1 wrote

New York finally got a real coffee shop.

With love from Amsterdam


_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j27hlrp wrote

From Amsterdam to New Amsterdam. You love to see it. 🥲


CranstonBickle t1_j29loqz wrote

As someone who moved from the first to the second, it's been a while :)


_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j29nu2u wrote

I can’t imagine leaving the NL to live in the US. It’s like the opposite of my dream. Haha.

(edit:) Like, let me exchange my holiday allowance and amazing metro for a dirty subway, crazy hustle culture and expensive healthcare. No gracias.


CranstonBickle t1_j29xjiq wrote

Oh it seemed like a good idea at the time......

No regrets though. Finally got a job I love, a beautiful kid and a women who loves me and I love her. Things I never found in NL. Even though I am not originally from NL it will always be "home" to me and I do hope one day to return.


[deleted] t1_j26oiva wrote



maninthewoodsdude t1_j26u9rs wrote

Price. Sticker shops aren't paying the high taxes a legal place has too.

Im in Buffalo and fully expect to see sticker stores being targeted when they start opening the legal dispensaries here. The police in outlying suburbs (Cheektowaga) have already raided a sticker store/shut it down, so there is precedent.


Mode3 t1_j284qf9 wrote

What is a sticker store?


paprika_alarm t1_j28i3bb wrote

Marijuana is given as a “free gift” for buying something small and overpriced, like a sticker. Marijuana itself isn’t illegal, but the selling of it is.

Kind of like during early prohibition when bars would gift alcohol if you bought a more-expensive lunch.


Bryanb337 t1_j29fk10 wrote

Damn places I go to in NYC are just straight selling it, not including it as a gift with something else.


kciuq1 t1_j29k8i1 wrote

>Kind of like during early prohibition when bars would gift alcohol if you bought a more-expensive lunch.

Everything old is new again.


LiliNotACult t1_j2818sv wrote

I was going to say it depends but then I remembered Oregon being for stoners is the meme.


Puredowner t1_j289ctw wrote

Quality control.

Sticker shops are just selling illegal trash bullshit like carts with mystery ingredients out of a nicer storefront. They're all over NYC with fake packaging and everything claiming all sorts of shit.

Compared to legal regulated product from WA / OR, its a night and day difference.


theotherfamousBrad t1_j27j7a4 wrote

Congrats! You're about to pay more in taxes than you do for the weed itself. Keep your old dealers number handy. Love- Colorado.


yellowsm42 t1_j27t7ns wrote

I don't know what those taxes go to in Colorado but in California we've dumped a fuck ton of that money into revamping schools. Of course we still don't pay our teachers shit, but they have nicer areas under construction in probably half the schools in our county. We even put air conditioning in their trailers!


Bryanb337 t1_j29fr5v wrote

I believe Colorado did something similar with investing it in schools.


theotherfamousBrad t1_j29qzk8 wrote

We did- but here's the rub: Denver and surrounding counties haven't seen any of that money. It's all being shipped out to Boebert country, and the other rural parts of the states where counties are too poor to build their own schools, despite most of them voting against legalization. Our schools/teachers haven't seen a dime.


Bryanb337 t1_j29rcov wrote

I mean I can't be mad at money going to schools that need it. Not the kids' fault that their parents suck.


theotherfamousBrad t1_j29tqrh wrote

I can, I have kids in my own public schools who's teachers need raises and equipment needs updating.


Bryanb337 t1_j29ufz9 wrote

I'm sure they do and it does but if it's a matter of it going to where it's needed most and you have areas that don't even have the proper facilities to teach, that's a little more important than raises and equipment.

I'm a teacher so I certainly understand the desire for raises and better equipment but also understand that my school is not the only one in need.


theotherfamousBrad t1_j29wsc3 wrote

We can agree to disagree there. Regardless - my point is that states are taxing the ever living fuck out of legal weed and it's forcing market dynamics to shift back to the illegal drug trades. Colorado saw a huge drop in MMJ sales this year because folks are sick of paying 30-40% taxes. Since growing your own or calling a dealer is cheaper, that's what people are going. Now the state is panicking because they are nowhere near their forecasts. Additionally - these taxes absolutely FUCK dispensary owners because they force them to lower prices. A ton of these places are going out of business because they operate on razon thin profit margins as-is. Meaning it leaves only the big guys (cooperations and conglomerates) who can afford to pay to play.


Clip_Clops t1_j28kkdu wrote

Buy some flower right now and pay a little extra, or wait around for half a day for someone to be home 🤔. Real head scratcher of a choice.


Dutchmaster617 t1_j293jzz wrote

I don’t know NYC grow laws but if you have a decent amount of money to drop (700-1000) like maybe tax season buy three months worth, and grow equipment.

After three months you just have to pay for soil and seeds. $90 can give you enough for of both to make 6-7 oz and that’s if you suck at growing and buy cheap lights etc.

But if you smoke less than 0.8 a day maybe not worth it. I was close to 2gs a day and it was one of the best decisions I made.


all_of_the_lightss t1_j29opxe wrote

Congrats, it isn't sourced from shitty cartels, the quality is tested, and your taxes go to helping dig our overpopulated underfunded society out of poverty and 3rd world status in 1/4 of the state


prontoon t1_j28ydi0 wrote

Fully legal home grow, 6 plants in veg and 6 plants in flower per household. My last harvest was several pounds. Wont be an issue


Dutchmaster617 t1_j294337 wrote

So obviously this news doesn’t apply to you, but I’m assuming most NYC residents are in cramped overpriced apartments. So realistically 1 or 2 plants at a time, which can still net you 2-6 ounces each harvest.


prontoon t1_j294pre wrote

Yep, check out r/microgrowery for growing in confined spaces.

Also nyc has looked into allowing cannabis grown in community gardens, im not sure where that legislation ended up as i am not in nyc so it wouldnt affect me as much. But there is potential that there will be nice outdoor grown plants in NYC soonish.


Dutchmaster617 t1_j29764p wrote

Trust I been growing for a few years.

I usually do 2 plants and get a QP plus 10-12gs. My last grow one was a photo but I was over a month in and had to basically move it from tent to spare closet and back every 12 hours for the next 3 months. Having a small apartment (which actually isn’t small or cheap when you look at the market) sucks.

I haven’t started up since I harvested a month ago because of shit like that but I’m gonna set up the tent this weekend for another run.


21redman t1_j26tkmb wrote

I've been buying my weed over the counter for a year now, does this mean one person decided to actually go through the approval process, pay the fees taxes and greased the right palms?

God NY loves to just create laws that shouldn't exist, let the free market flourish


prontoon t1_j28zd5f wrote

No, it took the state this long to approve the licenses. Applications were submitted months ago (about 6 months). First applications go to those who were more affected by the war on drugs ie people arrested with low level possession charges. On top of the application there was a high fee to submit it. Not about greasing palms, it was about getting the system set up before they can approve/deny applications. Cannabis law takes some tome to establish from the ground up.

And the state let the "free market" flourish while they turned a mostly blind eye to all of the shops that have been selling flower, clones, dabs, edibles, only shutting down the most egregious of grey market vendors.

Hate on the state all you want, one thing they did right is their cannabis laws for home growers.


e-lucid-8 t1_j298etu wrote

AFAIK the NY home grower laws haven't kicked in yet, have they? It was shelved until dispensaries were established, which has been pokey as hell.


prontoon t1_j29ag5d wrote

Medical patients can grow. 18 months from yesterday everyone else can grow.


e-lucid-8 t1_j2acnrr wrote

I read it to mean guidelines would come out within 18 months, hope you're right.


prontoon t1_j2ae9a5 wrote

In 18 months they should have full home grow. The rules on plant counts are out so they will let everyone grow at that point.


Zoso1973 t1_j28ul35 wrote

Places here in NY aren’t even doing stickers anymore. Just go in and buy it. New York is so far behind with this. I should be able to purchase now but no legal dispensaries in my area. Only NYC areas. People here still have to use the grey market stores. In the mean time the local medical dispensary are ripping people off with their ridiculously overpriced items. 1/2 gram carts for $65. Piss off you crooks.


prontoon t1_j29079v wrote

And full grams for $93+ fuck outta here. Grey market will help regulate the legal market. Only need to wait a few years for it to balance.


rkoberlin t1_j2armtz wrote

Damn I picked up 5 1g carts last week for $80 at a local dispensary here in MI. Those prices are nuts.


Nuinethir t1_j28v9u9 wrote

I've been waiting for this day. From ...

> New Yorkers 21 years and older can grow up to six plants in their home for personal use (3 mature plants and 3 immature plants) and a maximum of twelve plants per household (6 mature plants and 6 immature plants), even if there are three or more adults over the age of 21 in the residence. >
> Please be aware the home cultivation of cannabis plants is currently not allowed. Pursuant to the MRTA, the home cultivation of cannabis plants may only be permitted after the Office of Cannabis Management issues regulations governing home cultivation of cannabis, which must be no later than 18 months after the first adult-use retail sale.

I really don't care about paying dispensary prices. I just want to know when I can grow legally.


someguy984 t1_j299i7m wrote

Get a medical card, then you can do 6 plants.


e-lucid-8 t1_j299p4a wrote

Now let's see how well they do on issuing regs within 18 months from this dispensary open date.


Quinn8267 t1_j27hl47 wrote

Dude looks like he got some bubble tape


Gtstricky t1_j27n4x2 wrote

Can we go back to Time Square smelling like piss now?


tookmyname t1_j27vtsg wrote

And I’ll still call in my orders to the same place I always did because dispensaries are low quality, high prices, shit service.


CranstonBickle t1_j29luby wrote

Just take a trip over the GWB to Fort Lee to Ascend - that's what we did to stock up for xmas


SPARKYLOBO t1_j2anub3 wrote

Samson Simpson's has gone legit


someguy984 t1_j2837vl wrote

No one will buy at the legal places when you can go black market for a better deal. Weed is all over NY.


jimmydevice t1_j28cymj wrote

It's $35 a Z for flower in Washington. You get it cheaper there?


Melbuf t1_j28uugp wrote

i honestly have no idea what actual plant costs anymore, no one i know smokes it. everyone just gets the cartages

but if i had to guess its a lot more than 35 a Z, shit i doubt you can get an 1/8th for 35 legal or not


JCmoger t1_j28clbw wrote

Been smokin' longer than most readers here been alive. Never had trouble getting, never needed a license, never needed a dispensary. Can get anything they sell without a prob.......🙄


mcmeaningoflife42 t1_j266gkr wrote

About 5 years too late lmao

At least this should kick a few of em off kratom


IBAZERKERI t1_j25uyaz wrote

good for new york i guess?


jninethousand t1_j25ybry wrote

It's a great day for New York, and therefore the world.


[deleted] t1_j25xv77 wrote



binary_star_703 t1_j267if8 wrote

The legal shops in Oregon/Colorado are so cheap the black markets cant compete. Not to mention there are plenty of people that would use weed but don't like to break the law. You also know it's been professionally handled from seed to harvest.

I did a quick Google and look at these prices in Colorado. $16 for an 8th, the black market cant compete with that.

It may take a while for the NY prices to come down but it will be successful.

Ok I keep getting replies about the price, I should have known this would turn into a pissing match about how cheap you can get stuff. Like I said it was a quick google search, you can get stuff for far cheaper from other places legally, I happened to reference the first shop I saw online. That wasn't even really the main point of my comment, the main point was that there are a lot of people that want to smoke but dont want to use something like discord to meet up with a random person like they're 16 years old again.


maninthewoodsdude t1_j26vsyf wrote

Many states have taken years to come down to the reasonable prices they're at now.

Also, grey market can compete in NY state:

The first nation reservations sell weed, and ain't subject to tax. In Western NY I can buy an ounce for as low as 30, and very good quality for more, at the same prices I see in States where it's been legal a long time.

Another note, look at cigarette sales in NY.

As a former tobacco smoker myself I will tell you the majority of heavy users in my area buy Seneca brand cigarettes on the reservation for $2.50 a pack, not Newports for 12.50 a pack. The reason they can sell them that cheap is again, the taxes.

I'm sure in a few year's legal prices will be more reasonable, but I don't foresee prices going down any time soon.

Edit: Before anyone asks where I get mine, or doubts my claim prices can be so low:


yooperfitz t1_j26cs87 wrote

Even here in MIchigan you can get an ounce of I mean probably mediocre stuff for 59 dollars. I can’t see the black market beating $7.38 8ths.


reconrose t1_j26sm55 wrote

Only thing I dislike about the Michigan scene is the overabundance of dry corporate weed that's cheap as fuck but tastes like shit. Thankfully I've met a few caretakers with better quality but quality from dispos was much more consistent in the medical-only days.


Just-Flamingo-410 t1_j2600go wrote

Unless you overflow the market with legal shops.


LenyAK t1_j26542w wrote

This happened in Canada, although the grey market is still alive and well.


CertifiedWarlock t1_j26gstk wrote

I doubt they have enough legal, NY grown bud to do that.


Eudaimonics t1_j28lrdh wrote

Eh, there’s some massive grow operations in the works. Like the one being built in Buffalo

You can also home grow.


CertifiedWarlock t1_j28uojn wrote

Nothing says “social and economic equity” like a 1.375 million sq. ft. grow op ran by a white Italian son of a real estate developer and US and Canadian agricorps. Great job, NY!

“Encinitas, Calif.-based Zephyr will build and equip the cannabis cultivation and manufacturing project but will then sublease the entire space to Toronto-based RIV Capital and its subsidiary, Etain LLC, according to an application submitted by Zephyr to the ECIDA. RIV Capital is nearly half owned by a subsidiary of Scotts Miracle-Gro.”

Technically, you can’t currently grow at home unless you have a medical card. Rec users have to wait 18 months after the first dispensary opens (so starting yesterday). Not that that stops anyone, lol.


Eudaimonics t1_j28uvpt wrote

Sure, and yeah police aren’t going to be busting down the door for growing a few plants when it’s going to be legal in just over a year anyways.


Just-Flamingo-410 t1_j270i4a wrote

Does the legal shop only sell legally grown? In my country the selling in a shop is legal but growing (more than 5 plants) isn't. The supply chain to the shop is not legal but sort of decriminilized.


prontoon t1_j26yguq wrote

No, the market will balance itself out. The grey market shops will cause legal shops to put their price at a reasonable mark. Right now they are asking $93 for a gram disposable cartridge. This is something that should cost no more than $20.