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Roman_____Holiday t1_j20n6k9 wrote

The terms are vague and often used interchangeably by the layman. Recreational is taken for enjoyment. Medication is taken to treat a condition. Many people also self-medicate with so-called recreational drugs. The lines are blurry at best and this makes the entire debate discussion that much more difficult.


Dullstar t1_j20ptld wrote

I'd think self medicating is a bit more risky just because it's much less regulated and the user may not have a good understanding of the potential risks. Sometimes a drug someone's self-medicating with can feel good -- otherwise people wouldn't use them recreationally after all -- even if it's not really helping to properly manage the condition.


Roman_____Holiday t1_j20zx7x wrote

My point is more that ethically they are different situations and that our language on the subject makes the delineation more difficult than it should be. We sort according to the legality under the law by default. That system of sorting leaves a lot of important nuance on the cutting room floor.