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jkazama2 t1_j1fusl8 wrote

I was in this. Most terrifying moment if my life and am lucky to walk away with a neck sprain


steja89 t1_j1ggbn0 wrote

My pregnant sister in law didn't make it. Julie Roth. We just got the news. Im in Columbus, snowed in, can't do anything. I thank God more were not lost. Happy to hear you made it out.


ErnaJoe t1_j1gm83t wrote

I’m so sorry. Holding them in my heart tonight.


jkazama2 t1_j1gslx5 wrote

I... Don't even know what to say, I am so so sorry this happened to your family 😞


kirschbag t1_j1hrbao wrote

What a terrible situation, I’m so sorry for your loss.


mother_of_baggins t1_j1fxz9n wrote

Glad you’re (mostly) okay. In this cold it would be scary enough even just having an engine stall; I couldn’t imagine.


jkazama2 t1_j1g5epc wrote

Thanks man. I was going 40 and bring careful and there were no cars in front of me till all of the cars were in front of me including a semi truck. Slammed into the car in front of me and got hit from behind. The airbags didn't go off since it was slow enough I guess but honestly no idea why they didn't


CSI_Tech_Dept t1_j1gaxu6 wrote

Events like that is terrifying to me. It is basically being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You could do everything correctly. Drive safe speed, and even stop on time without accident, but then somebody behind can hit you and you still could end up with injury or even dead.


jkazama2 t1_j1ge2gt wrote

100% I'm counting my blessings for sure tonight


nilogram t1_j1gtmti wrote

Happy you’re ok damn that’s crazy


impy695 t1_j1hyfce wrote

I'm 35 and have never gotten into an accident because I always expect other cars to act in unexpected ways as it (hopefully) allows you to avoid collisions that wouldn't be your fault. That goes all out the window in storms like this. It doesn't matter how careful you are, or how much you pay attention, there is no planning for how fast things can turn sideways and all the ways it can happen.


Fine_With_It_All t1_j1iuxtv wrote

I’m glad you’re a careful driver but you haven’t gotten into an accident because you’ve been lucky. No asshat has run a red light or stop sign with you in the intersection or rear ended you cause they were on their phone …. The list goes on . Count your blessings and stay vigilant though


impy695 t1_j1jpjv7 wrote

It's part luck and part checking intersections before entering them to see if a car is going to stop or not. Getting hit by a car running a stop sign or red light isn't your fault, but it is usually avoidable.


JanitorKarl t1_j1gduun wrote

Glad things weren't worse for you. This storm has been exceptionally bad. Wind, cold, and blowing snow are a deadly mix.


BeastDynastyGamerz t1_j1idvf4 wrote

Airbags should go off no matter how slow you’re going as long as there is enough force to set the sensors off. I’m guessing if you got a hurt neck those sensors should triggered


GoochMasterFlash t1_j1ih6lm wrote

Not true necessarily. Ive hit a deer straight on at 50mph and they didnt go off. Ive also been rear ended by people and had them not go off.

There is a minimum severity needed to make it go off because getting blasted by an airbag sucks and fucks your face up. Im glad it didnt go off when I hit the deer for example, as I would have gotten blasted in the face to protect me from nothing. I assume its not just about force of impact but about how fast the vehicle stops


jkazama2 t1_j1inomv wrote

Yeah I think when it senses enough of an impact force and if the steering column starts to move, then it'll pop off. But yea I've had one go off at 10 mph when I hit a fence, which was surprising


jkazama2 t1_j1g597l wrote

Thanks man. It was terrifying with the cold after the wave of hit after hit it car. Was going 40 with no cars in front of me till all of the cars and trucks broken under an underpass. Barely had time to slow down


HUMOROUSSSS t1_j1g6el2 wrote

How long did ya have to wait in that mess post crash?


jkazama2 t1_j1g6qmn wrote

Emergency services were there within about 20-30 minutes. I had to wait probably another 20-30 before they were able to take me in an emergency services truck to their service stop. The scary thing after three initial crash was my back window was blown out and my window was stuck down and it got cold really fast. Luckily they had blankets they were handing out on the road and I was able to stay slightly warmer. They were of course attending to the more serious injuries near the back but they all did a fantastic job of getting us out of there


Apollo-o t1_j1hbdyq wrote

We are still on the scene, I’ll pass your words off to the crews. We are glad you got out.


HelpImOutside t1_j1gp5x2 wrote

Did you get out of your car pretty quickly or did you stay in it, to be "safe"? I've been told in that situation you definitely want to stay in your car, but it would be hard to sit there defenseless, waiting for a car to rear end you again.


jkazama2 t1_j1gsfhq wrote

It is almost always safer to stay in the car in this kind of accident. Especially with the cold, the only way to stay warm was to be in the car so that's what I did. My car was operable but after a bit it stopped working. Luckily had a blanket given by the EMS. This just taught me that I should always keep a blanket and possibly another set of clothes and some water in the car at all times. Just in case.


Chasingwawaterfalls OP t1_j1gbakx wrote

I’m so sorry. I know most of the rhetoric is “why would anyone be out in this?”

I remember working a job that made me come in weather be damned and the option of missing that paycheck or being fired honestly felt like it was worth the risk if it meant eating and being housed.

So glad you’re okay.


jkazama2 t1_j1hnqdz wrote

Honestly I just shouldn't have been on the road. It was fine right up until I got onto the turnpike. Bit of slow going but it was clear and people were making space. But even if you do everything right, it sometimes doesn't work out. Never going to try to test this again


420ipblood t1_j1in42g wrote

One mistake another person makes is all it takes.

And sometimes no one makes a mistake and it still goes to shit.


Xtasy0178 t1_j1h53td wrote

I hope you got your neck checked out ?


jkazama2 t1_j1hncca wrote

Absolutely. planning to once I'm able to get home