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Team_Ed t1_j1vdoum wrote

Canadian here. I’d hazard to guess that no major Canadian city has ever been hit with anything close to a comparable blizzard to what Buffalo just went through.

More snow? Maybe somewhere in the Rockies. Buffalo airport is at 50” through today, which is way more than double the single storm records in Montreal, Halifax, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Regina and Toronto. St. John’s is the only major city I can find with a comparable record.

Colder? Yes.

But full blizzard conditions with Cat. 1 winds for 36+ hours?

I genuinely doubt that’s ever happened in any major Canadian city, and when big historic blizzards have hit, they also killed a bunch of Canadians, too.

Really, the lake effect conditions that caused this storm basically do not exist anywhere there’s a Canadian city over 100,000.

The only thing comparable might be a big winter nor’easter on the Atlantic coast.


AKravr t1_j1veu1t wrote

Yep, Here in Alaska we got hit by even higher winds and colder temps last week but it was a week after the 40" inches of snow. So while we had 16ft snow drifts we didn't have everything all at once.