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tahlyn t1_j1z5nto wrote

Is it March of 2020 again? I'm not sure I can stomach living through those years again...


sudoku7 t1_j1z6po0 wrote

Always has been.


Methylatedcobalamin OP t1_j1z6wui wrote

Still the same number of American pandemic deaths every week:



HardlyDecent t1_j1zlv2c wrote

Like, everyone: "But Americans have COVID fatigue..."

Smart people: "Um, better than Long-COVID chronic fatigue, brain fog, and heart failure, right? Masks and vaccines aren't hard."


mephi5to t1_j20alyo wrote

Not even Covid. For 2 covid years we haven’t had flue or cold. I am all for it.

Ppl should stop treating masks as “I am afraid” and do like Japanese - “I am wearing mask because IAM sick or feel under weather but have to travel so I am sorry and I protect you”


awe778 t1_j22g9qy wrote

That require 85%+ of Americans to treat America as something that they should take care of.

Given how some of them treat reality, that's not going to work.


Code2008 t1_j2079k1 wrote

Honestly, I welcome the sweet release of death.


[deleted] t1_j21jijf wrote



HardlyDecent t1_j223mnt wrote

I can't argue with you there friend. And I can make no argument in favor or opposed to Biden or Pelosi's mental or moral adequacy.


archosauros t1_j20h7r2 wrote

What if I were to tell you the calendar you are using is a lie? What if I were to tell you it's still 2016?


tahlyn t1_j20kydj wrote

Tell me more!


archosauros t1_j21l6sp wrote

So the government made time travel to go back in time to fix things problem is that they've been using too much and now time is out of whack so now we are always on a repeat of 2016 no matter. It's why all this crazy shit keeps happening its just a cycle of crazy no matter what


Shadowmeld92 t1_j20ywtf wrote

The ones where science was turned into a political game? It's been going on far longer than march 2020 and I don't remember a recent break from it.


Beau_Buffett t1_j22333w wrote

I know someone in Shanghai, and they were going out like life was normal while we were all masked up and whatnot.

The Chinese isolated ill people to the point that their population hasn't been through the process of some dingalings pretending covid isn't real and others trying to stay safe. Instead, these massive lockdowns happened until recently.

I think it basically means that China is still in the early stages.

I also think it's potentially germ warfare to open your borders at the same time you end the lockdowns and know that half the country is going to be infected.

Ima go get a booster next week.

It's going to take about 5 minutes to share this with the whole world.

Considering restrictions? No, they should be in place right now.


Brilliant-Bumblebee t1_j24yq3z wrote

I said the exact same thing as soon as China started lifting restrictions. They're going right back to 2020. I'm concerned some crazy new variant comes from all this. I guess time will tell.